Part 8

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The following day at school Andy was sitting on the bench by the school hallway when Rebecca went up to him and asked if she could sit beside him and he said that she can so she sat down. She said she was so tired of thinking about plans for college and which school she should take. Then a guy came up to them and was trembling, he seemed nervous for some reason.

He gave Rebecca a small purple card and she opened it. Inside was a pop-up photo of her and the guy at the bottom with the words “Will you go to prom with me?”  She looked up and told the guy that she was flattered by his effort but she already had a date for prom and she was sorry. Andy looked at her with a surprised look on his face wondering who that lucky guy is. Rebecca returned the card and the guy simply walked away with a broken heart. Andy just couldn’t understand what he was feeling, whether to be happy for Rebecca or be sad because he put a lot of thought and effort preparing for his plan to ask Rebecca. So he just stood up, and said he had something to do and walked away.

Later that afternoon Andy decided to not dwell too much on that breaking news he just heard that day. He sat at the front steps of the house thinking about how he lost his chance. Suddenly a pair of feet stood in front of him yet he didn’t mind. The person asked to sit beside him and when he looked up it was Rebecca. Andy just nodded and she sat beside him.

His face was expressionless. Rebecca sighed and looked at Andy, she noticed that he didn’t seem to be in the mood so she asked what was wrong.  He looked up and put a huge fake smile on his face and said that nothing was wrong, it was just bad tuna. He couldn’t help himself; he just had to ask who the lucky guy was. She said it was just a lie so the guys would stop asking her.

He felt relieved and started to laugh. She was confused on why he suddenly laughed, she asked what was so funny so he just lied that he remembered something funny.  They talked until the sun went down. Andy went to sleep with a huge smile on his face that night. He was so excited for tomorrow’s event.

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