Author's Note

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I would like to thank everyone for reading this short story. I don't know what gave you interest to read this book. Maybe it was because of the book cover that had butterflies. Maybe. I'd also like to thank my English teacher for appreciating my work. She gave me such wonderful feedback and her words encouraged me to keep on writing. I'd like to thank my mother for being the first person to ever read the finished product of this story even though she wanted me to change the ending and the title, but I decided to stay true with what I have done a year ago.

I would also like to thank my cousin and her group mates for choosing this story to be their project, and their project is to make a movie trailer. Even without reading the entire story they jumped to conclusion that it was a great one. "Based from the beginning of the story it already sounds nice." Thank You little people! Sadly, there were some techinical difficulties, and they were forced to change it up so I can't show you the video. I'm truly sorry, but still, their effort was touching.

I'd like to thank my boyfriend for bringing me to the soccer field and that's where I wrote most of the story and where I finished it. The field just has a warm feeling to me and I get to concentrate there despite the voices of different people and balls hitting legs, I was surrounded by nature there.

Lastly, I'd like to thank God. Without His guidance and strength I would not have been able to finish this story on time because it had a deadline back then. I couldn't think of a better and sweeter story than this. It's pure innocence and that's what I was aiming for.

I hoped I had made the points of view of the characters more elaborate but I got what I wanted, I got great reviews of the few readers that read this. I'm happy. I'm excited for the stories and the magic that I'm hoping to create.

copyright of the story October 10, 2013

copyright of the published version 2014

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