Part 10

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Prom night came and Andy still hasn’t gotten over the day Rebecca agreed to be his prom date. Because of his excitement and happiness he forgot he still doesn’t have anything to wear for prom and he started panicking. He got his jacket and quickly went down the stairs of their house. When his mother heard him come down, she asked where he was going and he said to get a tux. Her mother just smiled and asked him to wait and she opened the door under the stairs and she took out a tux. He smiled and asked where and when did his mother get him that. She smiled and handed it to him; she said she rented it a few weeks ago. He asked how she was so sure that he was going to attend the prom, she simply said that mothers have a way of sensing things when it comes to their child and she winked at him.

He took the tux and headed back up the stairs, but before he did she thanked his mother for being the best mom in the world and gave her a kiss on the cheek.  He quickly changed, fixed his hair and groomed himself.  When he was just about to leave the house his mother caught up to him and gave him one last thing before he goes. She gave him a square plastic container, inside was a corsage with white roses.  He thanked his mother once again, left the house and went next door to get Rebecca.

When the door opened, Rebecca’s father answered the door and let him in. He didn’t ask much because he already knew Andy and he was a good guy, but he did ask if Andy had any plans on courting his daughter. Andy just said he was going to take one step at a time and right now he’s just going to make prom one of the most unforgettable nights of Rebecca’s life. Moments later Rebecca’s mother came down the stairs and noticed that Andy was already in the room, she told the two gentlemen that Rebecca won’t take long now.

Moments later Rebecca came down the stairs in her perfect gold dress and had a beautiful smile on her face. Andy asked if he could put on the corsage around her wrist and Rebecca lifted her hand and he put on the beautiful flowers. She held on to Andy’s arm as Mrs. Flakes was taking their picture. Mr. Flakes was outside preparing the car to drive the young teenagers to their school.  Rebecca and Andy left the house, got in the car and headed to their senior prom.

Arriving at the venue, Andy felt really nervous and Rebecca could see it in his face that he was. She told him that there was nothing to be nervous about because it was party night, it was their night to enjoy their youth. As they entered the gym everything looked very exciting, everyone was up and dancing. Rebecca asked if they could go mingle with her friends, Andy just followed her. Rebecca went to the dance floor and danced along with her friends while Andy was just sitting at the table watching her.  

When mellow music started to play Andy went up to Rebecca’s friends and asked if he could have her for one dance, they gave way and he asked Rebecca if she’d like to dance with him. She smiled and said the pleasure was all hers. He lead Rebecca to the center of the floor just below the disco ball. He held Rebecca by the waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck and they swayed to the music. Andy said that he was really happy to be at the prom with her but then Rebecca cut him off and she laid her head on his chest. It was their night. The first night Andy was sure Rebecca saw him as more than her next door neighbor.

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