Chapter 6 ~ Jacob

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Jacob's Diary

Day 1: I started off this summer camp in a bad way, not knowing who anybody was since most of my friends were in other schools. Hey, but at least I can make new friends right? Well, at this point, I'm just lost not knowing what to do in my current situation, but at least the camp is pretty fun so far, just simple and basic math knowledge with a passionate and entertaining teacher, Mr. Roberts. I'm not gonna be able to go to the second week of camp, which I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing. I only "know" one person and I say "know" because I only know superficial information on them. Their name is James and they're pretty smart and we have some things in common like favorite movies and music. However, they say that they might not go to school since they are moving far away. I'll update tomorrow.

Day 2: It's day two of camp and it's mostly the same, but I'm starting to open up a little more. I'm starting to become more involved in the camp and everything about it. It's becoming to be one of the highlights of the day, not like playing video games is a "highlight" anyway. Speaking of friends, I'm starting to socialize more with James and other people, but mostly with James. However, whenever talking to others, I just remember my elementary friends and just become sad. But other than that, it's been a fun two days.

Tomorrow is a new and better day.

Day 3: My day is basically the same. We learned really interesting topics in camp and other than that, it's been pretty much the same. Me and my past friends are becoming more and more distant, but this weekend, we can probably meet up and probably get to play basketball at the park or something else.

With another day passing, its worries are left behind.

Day 4: James left today and I've just been pretty sad all day. I know nobody so I was just quiet all day today. It's not really helping that I got a 60 on the quiz today, but Mr. Roberts said not to worry because most of the middle schoolers got a bad score too, but that didn't really help. Anyways, I'll just play video games with Javier and Derek now.

The struggle you're in today builds up the strength to fight the strife of tomorrow.

Day 5: Today was my final day in summer camp. I was quiet for most of the day, but during lunch, I decided to go and talk to Adrien and his friends. Adrien was a pretty interesting person with common interests as me and he seems pretty smart too. He seemed like someone I can trust and so do his friends so I look forward to seeing them during the year. I'm pretty sad to leave the camp really early, but life goes on.

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