Chapter 12 ~ Jacob

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Overall, I could only describe sixth grade as a rollercoaster, seeming superb sometimes, and then becoming literal hell in others. The first quarter was pretty calm, just normal school stuff, barely any tea, and not much else. The classes were all interesting and fun, my personal favorite so far being either math or science. But then, there was Heather. Heather was, how do I say this, a really good friend, and I'm not gonna lie, I started to have a crush on her. I met her in eighth period, Language Arts (not the most fun class, but I still enjoyed it), which I had every day. We started talking on the first day and saw that we shared common interests. We then started texting, which was then the highlight of the day for me (other than math class). During all this, I started becoming more social and making some friends, like Adrian, who was really funny. That was what most of my first quarter was made of.

Then, came the "SUPER FUN" quarter. This is the quarter where we started having math competitions and where I earned one of my nicknames that I still wear like a badge, the one, the only, TOMATO. It's a complicated story, but basically, while in a competition, me, Jayleen, Harry, and Bobby were competing in team, when I became the so-called TOMATO (my cheeks turned bright red because I was so nervous). My teammates made fun of me before they realized that the holy TOMATO wields the ultimate power where whenever I "tomatofied", we won the competition. This started the tradition of either making me laugh, be embarrassed, or just plain slap me in the face to make us win. And all the embarrassment, loss of breath while laughing, and bruises were worth it because we won almost all the team competitions. Take that Canadian Heritage. *cough**cough* Anyways, this was the fun, sorry "SUPER FUN" quarter because my friends found out I liked Heather, and that always ends up great. *sigh* who am I kidding, this is real life, not fantasy, so you can already guess what they did. They obviously kept it a secret and respecte- NOPE, they just straight up told her even though I told them not to. Calm down Jacob. *cough**cough* Anyways, after this, we found out she liked me and after a complicated series of events, we dated for a total of 2 hours. Super impressive I know. But, apparently, my friend, said something that made her mad (I don't remember right now) and then she hated me for a while, and me being the introverted kid in the corner didn't know what to do since you know, this isn't really a normal thing that happens, and if it is for you, I'm sorry. So after that, even though we didn't talk for like a week straight, we started to become friends again, and naturally, my crush for her came back too. That was all that was interesting up to the first semester.

Then, there was the second semester, and that, well, that is a story for another day.

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