Chapter 29 ~ Jacob

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Seventh grade: Srhdtjukoijuhygtfdfghjiohigufyd. That's all folks.

No, but for real, seventh grade is stressful, it is cruel, it is vicious, it is... you get the point, it's a living hell, arguably worse than sixth grade. The work is multiplied by infinity, you are reprimanded for literally anything, and most importantly, the tea. If the British thought the Boston Tea Party was bad, they will be scared to death if they knew how much tea is being spilled. Astronomical levels of tea spillage I tell you. Let's just jump right into my tea. It all started at the beginning of the school year. All was calm and peaceful, this only lasted for 48 hours. Then, there was the tea flood. So, it all started when Jayleen told Harry that she liked him and he rejected her (RIP in the chat). Then, I had been developing feelings for Sabrina and when I asked her a week later if she liked me, she said yes, so we started dating. So you're probably saying please let this be the end. NOPE. Literally hours after I asked her out, Harry decides to ask her out too and she says yes. Life is "FANTASTIC". After the weekend ended, she dumped me. :) . Hey, at least better than 2 hours. Anyways, not two days later, Sabrina and Harry broke up. The day after this, guess what. Nothing happened (other than Jayleen rubbing it in my face that Sabrina dumped me). That was the "peaceful" day, the "serene" day, the- you get it. Anyways, the next day after school, when we were going from science to lunch, Adrian just decides to say, "Hey, do you know the tea?" Now, I thought he was talking about him liking Lani, which he had told me earlier that day so I, my oblivious self decides to say "Yeah." Now, I'm just thinking, this kid is probably just gonna tell me he's gonna ask her out or something along those lines. NOPE. This kid, CASUALLY just says, "So what are you gonna say to Jayleen when she asks you out?" Now, I have talked about tomatofying before, but I'm pretty sure I either full tomatofied or did the reverse tomato (becoming my other form, polar bear). By the look on Adrian's face of "OH @#$%", I could tell he knew that I now knew what I wasn't supposed to know. Now Adrian, real talk here, I don't think you are ever supposed to say that, even if the person knows, but anyways, before we get off on a tangent, I'll just continue. That lunch, the only thing on my mind was "uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." If I could describe how I was the entire day, it would be "Jacob.exe is not responding" I didn't know what I was gonna say. I liked Jayleen, but I had just gotten out of a relationship with her best friend. So, my brain just figured, you know what, he was just bluffing, he was just saying a joke and took it too far. But then again, my life just said NOPE and after school, I got a text from Jayleen explaining everything, but just in a confusing way, not gonna lie.

This is the best replication of what I saw:

Jay:Hello child

Me: Hello

Jay: Alr so um like sabrina and harry want

me to date u and like y not ask cuz

um peer pressure also plz don't feel

bad if u reject me cuz umm ur too

nice lmao    

Me: Wait, I'm confused

Jay: Wanna like date cuz im bored and

peer pressure

Me: So Sabrina and Harry said for you to ask me out?

Jay: ye

Jay: I mean i liked u and then they said

to tell you

so now I'm telling


Me: I understand now

Jay: lmao

Me: And... I do like you

Jay: so like wanna date

cuz y not

Me: Yeah sure

Jay: mk but u cant ignore me

Me: Ok

Peak of human communication ladies and gents. Anyways, after we started dating, nothing really happened for a month, when all of a sudden, Lani told us (Sabrina, Jay, and me) that she liked Adrian, and Adrian liked her back, so they were talking and then since Adrian's parents wouldn't allow him to date anyone until he's older, they didn't start dating. Shortly after, Harry told Lani that he liked her, and Lani said that she wasn't sure of her feelings. That's everything up until now. So I'm dating Jayleen, Adrian and Lani like each other (after a complicated series of events), and Sabrina and Harry well they're single and ready to mingle :-).(For real, just start dating already (Harry is the one who won't make up his mind, BTW and is the frickin rude person here))<- Sabrina *cough**cough*

Update: Sabrina is now dating someone named Daniel, a person from another school

Ima head out now

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