Chapter 23 ~ Lani

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Well sixth grade was better than I expected and guess what? ITS FRICKIN SUMMER! WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Even though it's summer, obviously us nerds went to math camp DURING SUMMER. -_- Like what is that. Yea idk either. At least geometry camp was way better than algebra so it's all good. Why?

I actually knew people

I had friends.

I wasn't that lost since I pretty much knew the basics

I liked some1 (how do I tell them idk lol)

Oh and after "school" our little groupito (minus Adrian and Jacob) went to Sabrina's house and it was really fun. We pretty much were on the trampoline the whole time throwing water and ice at each other.

Fingers crossed for 7th grade to be a good year too.

That's all for my part:)

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