Chapter 28 ~ Lani

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Seventh Grade: life is so hard :( THE END

Jkjk lol. :)

But truthfully? Well 7th grade is actually pretty hard. I got pretty much all A's last quarter except for one WHICH WASN'T EVEN AN ACTUAL ACADEMIC CLASS. FKJGSGEW AHHHHHH and it was like an 88% but like wtv we don't talk about that.

First few weeks were i guess normal for me but for Sabrina, Jay, Harry, and Jacob boy would it be a fun fun fun ride. First off, we have Jay in the corner spilling her feelings to Harry gets rejected and moves on. Then, Jacob and Sabrina start dating, Harry asks Sabrina out like the same day Jacob did, and guess what? Sabrina dumps Jacob for Harry like 3 days later i think. I don't really know the details so if I get some of the parts wrong not my fault. Anyways, so then Harry and Sabrina break up like 2 days after. Blah blah blah stuff happens and all of a sudden I hear that Jay and Jacob are dating. I srsly don't know how that happened but wtv. Jacob will tell you all the tiny details. So yea, pretty much that. Now comes MY tea:). Your probably thinking Lani has tea? Wow it's probably going to be like "Oh! The new book of the Unwanteds and Keepers of the Lost Cities came out. Ahhhh im so excited!" Well. No. Your wrong. Its like actual serious tea.

So, I told Jacob, Sabrina, and Jay that I liked someone and that someone was Adrian. Turns out he liked me too. Wanna know how I found that out?

Ok so well, in our math class 6th period, we sat next to each other and we started talking about who we liked. (We already knew that we both liked someone.) We started giving each other hints and by the end of class, we narrowed it down to 2 people for each of us. We didn't want to give each other any more hints so we wrote the name of the person we liked on a piece of paper. I wrote a smiley face because I was too scared to get rejected. (it was supposed to say adrian) He wrote my name. We exchanged papers, and when I opened it, I was like woah Adrien stop joking around. But he was kind of mad you could say because I hadn't written a name. So I whispered in his ear "I like you too, but I just didn't want to get rejected you know." (i didn't do that to make him feel better ok like srsly no joke i did like him) Well, that's how everything happened. And yea. But then Harry 2 or 3 days after in 8th period was like btw the person I like is you. And was like haha good joke and then he was like for real. And then me being the self-conscious person I am was like frfr? Yea we kept on saying that for like a whole straight minute. So then, after school he asked me out I said yes and then the next day we told Orlando. Whole thing happened and I kept on saying that me and Harry weren't dating because like I didn't want to? At that point, I was so confused I didn't even know. So then like 3 days after, I clarified that we weren't dating and yea. I like some1 and boom. Thinking back, the beginning of 7th grade was actually really fun. That's all. Peace out:)

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