Chapter 27 ~ Sabrina

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Seventh grade being merely interesting is an understatement. Seventh grade so far, has been pretty intense and dramatic. Ok so here's the tea. So Jay finally told me that she liked Harry. Then Jay texted him and he rejected her (Rip Jay). So then yeah he kinda acted like nothing happened even though Jay was freaking out. Then one day Jacob tells us that he likes someone. So then he said he would tell me who it was on Friday. That friday he tells me that he likes me. I was shooketh to say the least. With my self-esteem I didn't think anyone liked me so i was shocked and I kinda liked him too so i told him. After that we started dating. You would think it ends here but nooooo there's still more tea people. Ok so that SAME Friday Harry (who i'd liked for about a year) told me and Jay that he liked someone. We found out that the person he liked was me and I was super happy that day. But then I also felt really really bad for Jacob because well i felt bad dumping him after like a day. But I really liked Harry at the same time. So then on monday I decided to tell Jacob about Harry. I felt so bad because when i told him he looked like he was about to cry (poor thing). Anyways after that nothing really happened for about a day until Harry officially asked me out (over text). Then he asks me if i'm gonna tell my mom and I say no because well, my mom wont let me get a boyfriend.After that we dated for like a day and on the second day Harry comes late to school because he was feeling sick. So he caught up to us on our way to 7th and told me something that was pretty saddening. So he comes up to me and says we need to talk and he tells me that his mom has this app that can check his text messages and she wasn't happy about us dating without my mom's permission.So he tells me that his mom said that we couldn't date unless my mom knew. So after hearing that Harry, Jay, and one of our other friends tried to convince me to tell my mom about Harry asking me out. And so I did but my mom said to wait another year (rip). So that's how that ended. Well guess what there's even more tea. So after all the drama turns out at least one relationship lasted. Jay and Jacob. They are the cutest couple I swear. And that's all folks!

So for the next month it was just us trying to guess who Adrian liked. I swear this kid can't make up his mind. He ended up liking like three girls. Two girls which he liked for one day. He liked butthead (she has an actual name but yea wtv), me and his actual crush who was Lani. So then they finally tell each other that they like each other they don't start dating yet cause adrian doesn't know if his parents will let him date. So yea, then Harry tells Lani that he also likes her. I honestly kinda shipped it but Lani liked Adrian more so Harry said that they were dating Harry but Lani said they really weren't. So the Adrien and Lani asked each other out? (I think) Finally ... Lani and Adrian started dating (yayyyy!).

Anyways after that tea fest turns out most of this tea was spoiled.

So, Harry asked out Lani on a dare (how rude). And Harry asked me out out of pity (rip). Pero honestly im over him. 

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