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[tenth of october 2019]

AFTER ANOTHER FIVE OR SO MINUTES OF concerned conversation they finally approached the road his house was on, and she could see a big set of gates up ahead so they charged towards them.
"i realised, i'm going to your house but don't actually know your name." in any other circumstances like these ones, something very different would be happening; and apparently he thought that too. "its not the first time a girls said that to me," he joked and they both let out a small nose laugh, "i'm harry." he would usually put out a hand for her to shake but it would look a bit odd after they've been pretending to know each other for 15 minutes now. 

he typed a code in the keypad of some big metal gates and let them both in, taking a set of keys out. "am i coming into your house?" she questioned, thinking she would just stand around for 10 minutes before being on her way.
he looked at her confused, "yeah of course i'm not just going to leave you out in the cold am i." he said as if it was obvious, which made apollo question what was happening for the 100th time that night. "you don't have to stay obviously, i said i'll take you home but i can at least make you a cuppa or something."

she smiled at his british hospitality as he opened the door and allowed her in, "my flatmates are in but i think they're asleep so as long as we don't make too much noise it's sound." she stepped in after him and they were both met by a grinning man with a growing out buzzcut, making them both let out a yelp in fright. 

"so harold i saw you coming up the path with a lady friend and had to introduce myself." he obviously misread the situation and was trying to embarrass his friend, which she had to admit was quite funny. he began to get flustered and stutter out, "nah-nah you've got this all wrong mate." and the other two laughed. 

apollo stepped forward and put a hand on harry's shoulder, "harold, as you call him, was basically my saviour tonight." she started to play along with his friend and give harry the upper hand in their banter. he nodded and agreed while she fed his ego before actually introducing herself, "anyway i'm apollo, its nice to meet you harry's flatmate but i really need to be leaving." she was being overly confident to distract from the situation she just left. she put it down to the alcohol, adrenaline and relief of being out of the creeps eyesight.  

harry didn't take anything else she said into account but was stunned by one thing, "woah your name's apollo? thats sounds like something from space." "literally." he realised. she sighed a bit and nodded, everyone always gives her that reaction and she had her parents to thank for it. "yeah my parents like space, so much they decided to name me after a rocket instead of a planet or something more normal. apparently its a greek god too but they didn't find out until i was one." she bitterly informed them and again they all laughed, before she tried to make another move to the door,
"he must be gone by now surely?" she questioned at harry and looked through the peep hole - leaving his flatmate, who introduced himself as cal, looking confused. "who's gone?" he asked, wanting to know more. the pair just looked at each other and sighed before moving into the kitchen to explain it all over a cup of tea. 


"thats fucked." cal stated, this time with a more serious tone, as they all thought about the events that happened previously. "like you don't know what could've happened if you didn't find harry you know. have you reported it to the police?"
she was thankful he reminded her because she put it off previously. she shook her head "i didn't want to incase he noticed i was calling someone and did something, i don't know if that was his plan but i've heard stories of people in that situation who got attacked before being put through to an operator and stuff." she trailed off thinking of the danger she was really in and the shock began to hit her, causing her face to drop. 

 harry noticed her change in demeanour and felt it was best he offered help in the situation. "i'll give them a call and tell them we'd like to make a report about what went on, if thats okay with you?" again she looked a bit uneasy, she really just wanted to get out of the boys hair, and let the night end for good. "i'll still have to give a statement so we may as well do it here -  i'm not trying to force you to stay even though it probably seems like it." harry let out a nervous laugh and apollo shrugged, her shoulders still tense. 

"i mean you're right i guess, thank you harry." she said taking a sip of the tea in front of her while moving the conversation with cal to something else to distract her mind from what had happened. 

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