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[twentieth of november 2019]

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[twentieth of november 2019]

APOLLO SPENT A MINUTE OR SO TYPING out a tweet to inform her small amount of followers that she created a blog. letting out a satisfied sigh of relief when she sent it and it was out in the world. for a few short moments her mind was at ease, as she watched harry scramble around his bedsheets in search of his phone. then finding it on his desk.

"wait you forgot to link it you absolute donut." harry exclaimed once he finally found her twitter account, he was going to like the tweet so some of his more dedicated fans could find it; as she requested that not many people came flooding to her account. he facepalmed and took her phone off of her before writing another tweet out for her. "do you need me to keep to the all lowercase thing you have going on?" he sighed, finding it a bit overdone now. 

"i mean i'd rather you did, it'd be a bit weird if i suddenly used capital letters again." he just sighed and typed another one out for her to post in reply to the first one. 

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she tutted when she realised he'd called her an absolute melon but decided to ignore it. so he went on his own phone and liked the tweet for her while she was busy sharing it to facebook and adding a swipe up on her instagram. making sure she included the link this time. "does it really feel that bad now its out in the world?" he questioned, knowing that her answer wouldn't be as anxious as she was before posting it. 
"absolutely not, if anything it's like a weight was lifted off my shoulders." she admitted, realising harry was right all along, but she wouldn't let him know that as her doubts were justified. 

"i'm glad to hear it." he sent her a small smile that she returned before he thought of something else he noticed, "actually, when did pollo stick as your name on twitter because i remember you hating it when i called you that the other day!" he was mock offended but also genuinely interested. 

"harry that was literally yesterday. i don't know but the more i thought of it, the less i thought of polio and it sounds quite cute." she rolled her eyes at his apparently non-existent concept of time and he raised an eyebrow. 
"guess i'm taking credit for that now, better put it in your bio. 'wroetoshaw named me'" he joked which again made apollo roll her eyes again but still laugh at him.
"don't know if my parents would be too happy about you taking credit for my name but we'll move past it." she laughed. 

a short comfortable silence fell over the pair momentarily, until apollo caught sight of the lit up london skyline through harrys blinds which caused her to awkwardly crawl over his legs to jump off the bed and look out the window. she struggled but found the chain to pull his blinds up and she stood in awe of the view once again. "i completely forgot about this!" she exclaimed, he couldn't really blame her as she had some other things to be worrying about at the time when she first noticed the view. harry went over and joined her at the window, the novelty had still not worn off for him and he didn't think it ever would. 

however now he had something new to look at, the five foot something, freckle covered, brown eyed girl who stood taking it all in with her lips slightly parted. her eyes lit up with pure awe. darting around from the different buildings towering over the water; to the tiny boats bobbing along with the reflections of their lights gleaming. like a child in a sweet shop she was completely entranced by the view which was sweet to harry. he had never met someone more appreciative of their surroundings and it was intriguing.

though apollo couldn't see it, harry's face almost matched hers. except he wasn't taking in all the bright lights, tall buildings and the blend of modern and old architecture. he was taking in the glow casted on her face, the way her hair fell on her shoulders and her prominent cheekbones. she didn't know he was having the same feeling of appreciation she had for her home, but for herself. 

the moment was interrupted when cal walked into the room without even looking up from his phone, "yo bog can i borrow you for a video?" 
they both turned from the window to look up at the taller boy who was now looking at both of them. all three of them sharing the same expression of being a bit startled. "oh apollo, sorry i didn't realise you were here." he apologised but through a smirk directed at harry. which of course apollo noticed as he wasn't subtle, but in her head she was thinking it was just cal trying to be funny. 

she was going to carry the conversation on by going through the usual motions of 'how have you been?', 'not bad, you?', 'yeah i'm good.' but then she actually realised what he had asked. "so you're a youtuber too?" harry had only shown her his videos and the sidemen but she had no idea that cal was too. even though she watched the holiday video she fell asleep halfway through and didn't make it to that part, which harry pretended to be offended by when she woke up but actually found it fairly amusing. 

"i see boggo's not been plugging my channel? i've had a channel for nearly 10 years so yeah i guess i am." he humble bragged which caused harry to jokingly roll his eyes and apollo to let out a small laugh. "i was going to ask harry to come be in something for me but since you two love birds are busy i'll go." he smirked at them and began to turn around to leave before he was met with both of them denying his claims. a small scoff from apollo and a chant of no's from harry which was comparable to getting caught taking the last cookie out of the jar. however cal didn't stick around to hear them dispute his argument, and he just left knowing that they were both frantically trying to disprove what he said. also knowing they were both lying about their feelings.

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