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[fourteenth of october 2019]

SHE HAD MORE TIME OFF OF WORK as the police informed her manager of the whole situation, who checked in with her regularly and made sure she was okay. not wanting her to be alone during all of this. she decided to get off of her arse and do something productive, so she chucked harry's hoodie and jogging bottoms in the washing machine with a splash of floral scented fabric softener and set it on a cycle. not wanting to burden him with washing once she got it back. 
she decided an appropriate thank you would be some blueberry muffins and chocolate cupcakes, two recipes that had been passed down her family for years and never failed to cheer her up.  she hadn't thought much about what harry thought after she left that night, assuming he would've just gone to sleep and gone about with his life. she was completely oblivious to harry's worry. 

[tenth of october 2019]

he stayed up the night she left, regretting letting her go home and not pulling out the sofa bed, she seemed like a strong woman and he didn't doubt her, he just would've felt better knowing she was safe. he hated the thought of her being alone and blaming herself. he only just met apollo but he knew that if it was sister or friend he would be burning with anger at the person following her, so he felt he was slightly justified to feel the way he did. after hours of tossing and turning, and beginning to hear some of his neighbours start their engines and head off to work he managed to get a bit of sleep that night, nothing that a nice cold iced coffee couldn't fix. 

for the rest of the day he debated texting her, unsure whether or not it was his place to ask how she was doing or for any updates on what the police were saying. although he gave a statement he was just a witness and doubted he'd be contacted with any new information. 

after it got to three in the afternoon that day he realised she probably wouldn't text, he sort of hoped for just a short thank you to reassure him that everything was going well but he didn't want to ask too much of her, incase just the reminder of himself made her upset. he really hoped it didn't though. he genuinely just wanted to check up on her and then they could go their separate ways. he grew so fidgety because of the situation his second flatmate, also named cal, had to check he was okay. "you're not on drugs or something are you mate?" he asked, referencing his inability to stay still and tired eyes due to the lack of sleep.

harry let out a little scoff and mumbled, "i wish i was," before continuing to explain the situation that the man in front of him slept through, "it's stupid i know but i just feel like i was so invested into the situation i want updates, and i just want to make sure nothing bad has happened because then i'd just feel awful." he shook his head and looked up at cal unsure.

"well you're definitely not overreacting, it was an eventful and pretty shitty time to be frank. i'd say give her space just to rest, she had a hell of a night and she must be blooming knackered by now. especially mentally drained too." there was a short silence and harry looked down at his coffee, knowing cal was right. "if she doesn't come to you by tomorrow then i think its reasonable to ask for an update on her and the police thing, they might even need you to do one of those lineup things to identify the creepy prick." he said with some disgust in his tone. 
harry was very thankful for his friend, it wasn't the first time cal had given him advice he needed to hear.
"you're a wise old man aren't you cal, thank you though. i needed that." he stood up and accepted the fist cal was holding out for him to bump, and walked back into his room to try and get a power nap in before the coffee kicked in and woke him up for good. 

after that well deserved rest, his day consisted of nothing special. just editing and chatting to either his flatmates or the sidemen in their group chat. the boys ordered a pizza in for dinner as nobody wanted to cook and he tried to distract himself the best he could.
he didn't want to spend the rest of his day moping about so he just decided to push it to the back of his head and enjoy his day with the lads. 

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