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[twentieth of november 2019]

A FEW HOURS LATER APOLLO HAD FOUND herself sat at their kitchen island, stirring the paper straw in her drink that was gradually dissolving; and watching three men film a video for their youtube channel. she had been introduced to yet another cal earlier on in the evening and learnt that they call themselves 'freezy' and 'lux' respectively to avoid confusion. they had promised that the filming wouldn't take too long but of course they'd been there for an hour now. she did have the option to leave but opted for staying to witness the chaos unfold. 

she also leant her hand for some videography, she knew her way around a camera but filming was different for her. so it took her a while but she got the hang of it nonetheless. now her legs dangled as she sat on the countertop, still holding the camera in her hands as she took some candid photographs of the three of them. admiring her work on the small camera screen. admiring one smile and creased eyes more than the rest. 

she was snapped out of her distraction by her name being called, she looked up and was met with all of their eyes staring at her, she was a bit confused and raised a brow before harry repeated, "what's a good forfeit?" 

she pondered with her hand under her chin, before jumping and widening her eyes as she thought of one "jump in the thames?" her lips formed a smirk and she was satisfied with her daunting dare.
however the boys were less pleased, as when she spoke their faces dropped. none of them wanting to do it, especially in the middle of the winter. "how about we have to give you a lap dance if we lose?" freezy grinned like a cheshire cat, making sure to catch the look on both apollo and harrys faces. she could feel her face going red at the thought but as the kitchen light was dimmer she hoped they couldn't see. after much mental deliberation and hyping from the cals she gave in. 

"fine, but it better be a good one." with a shake of her head and a grin she agreed, joking with the boys. now paying more attention the final round of whatever game they were playing, still taking candids, however she had positioned herself closer and subconsciously focused more on one person. 

unbeknownst to her she caught the moment they revealed who was giving the lucky apollo a lap dance, and the image had harry with a defeated grin on his face, while lux held his arms in the air, grinning at freezy who was giving the same grin straight back at him. 

"its harry!" cheered freezy, egging him on to give the girl he was silently crushing on a lap dance. "go on boggo!" 

harrys face had gone red and he was radiating awkwardness. clearly not wanting to embarrass himself like this in front of apollo, as well as on camera. "by the way guys this is apollo," lux introduced her to the camera and she tried to be as easygoing as possible, "say hi apollo." 

"hello." she cheerily sent the camera a wave, and grinned at it as she sat down with a breath. mentally preparing for what was going to happen. "i don't know if i'm ready." she breathed out, sitting down in the chair they prepared for her with a giggle. 

"you've got this bog!" freezy cheered again from behind the camera, as they played copyrighted magic mike music which would have to be changed in the edit. they were all watching as harry mentally prepared himself for what he was going to do. 

he shook his head and through a grimace apologised to apollo for what he was about to put her through. he strutted over in front of her and faced her, slut dropping as he held onto the arms of the chair. 
she let out a massive laugh and had to cover her face as harry continued. he made intense eye contact which apollo kept, as he semi-successfully managed to do the worm towards her. before knee sliding over to her and opening her legs to a beat of the song. sending the cals into a laughing frenzy, and making apollo gasp through her laughs.
harry pulled himself so he was standing in front of apollo and he grinded on her, causing her head to roll back laughing as she pretended to throw money at him and slap his ass. 

as the biggest part of the song approached, he did a spin before attempting a headstand-twerk. however it didn't work in the slightest. as he was kicking his legs up to go onto his arms, he kicked the chair legs and sent it flying backwards. causing apollo to be propelled forwards on top of him and with a yelp from her, they ended up in a jumbled pile on the floor.

as they both regained sense of what was happening and began to sit up, the two cals were doing the outro of freezy's video while simultaneously clutching their stomachs with laughter. "that was the best thing i've ever seen." lux sighed and grinned at them once turning around. seeing that apollo was still lying over harry's lap and looked more confused than ever. 

"how did that happen?" she questioned, her gaze puzzling between the chair, now a good five feet behind them, the cals and harry himself. she pulled herself up and tried to straighten herself out and tried to put it behind her. 

harry now lied face down on the floor, "thats going to be documented on the internet forever." he groaned and let his whole body go limp, causing everyone else to laugh at his misfortune again. "i don't know why you're laughing apollo you're in it too." he pointed a finger with his free hand as she offered him help up, but she just rolled her eyes and patted his back. 
"it is nowhere near as bad for me as it is for you. and the internet never forgets." she laughed and helped tidy the mess that was left. 

the time was now half past one in the morning and apollo was shocked by that fact. she jumped up and headed towards where her shoes were, "i really need to go i didn't realise how late it was!" she exclaimed and started rushing, wanting to get out of the boys hair. 

however harry caught her by the waist as he was holding a microphone in his other hand, turning her to face him "you can just stay the night you know?" he offered, looking slightly down at her as she thought. "and before you say it you're not going to be in the way." he sighed and she laughed at how well he had got to know her. 

"well if you don't mind." she accepted and took her one unlaced shoe off. before turning back to face him fully. her eyes darted around his face for a moment but she caught herself in her thoughts. 

while harry also did the exact same thing, his eyes lingering on her lips in their closer proximity than normal. "of course we don't." he responded with a smile, "you know where the clothes are." he let go of his grip on her waist and she turned to get changed while he went back into the main room to grab the last few things cal had asked him to take up to his room. 

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