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[twenty fourth of october 2019]

WHILE HARRY WAS SETTING UP THE WEBSITE for apollo he had been hearing her laugh at the video or ask some questions about what the experience was like, which he happily answered. he had asked some questions about the name for the blog and the colour scheme for a banner ect and she had been very passionate about it looking the best it could be. but while he had gotten stuck in working he didn't realise her head that had slowly fallen onto his shoulder was now asleep.
he checked the time and it was nine o' clock, she was halfway into the holiday video that was still playing on the tv and her mouth was slightly open as she slept. he decided he would keep working on finishing some parts of the website for her and pray she would wake up by herself as he didn't want to disturb her. 

however that plan didn't work and she had ended up falling down onto harry's lap, where he subconsciously played with her hair as he worked away at some other stuff regarding kicktown. 
harry had been single for a long time now, but it was easy for his hands to slip into her hair like it was nothing. it was almost familiar. but he knew it would've been inappropriate to start dating apollo while she was still hurting, yet he couldn't lie to himself and say he didn't at least enjoy her company. particularly at that moment with his hand stroking her hair and her breathing soft and peaceful. 

he let out a vaguely frustrated sigh at the situation he found himself in. beginning to fall for her wasn't ever part of the plan. not that he even had much of a plan. and he was unsure he was even falling for her or was just overwhelmed by the feeling of a new girl coming into his life. he just knew that once he met her he wanted to make sure she was always okay, but maybe he's starting to care a lot more than he thought. and all he could hope was that she was starting to care too. 

at half past ten she started to wake up again, slightly stirring and letting out a small groan as she stretched, being confused when she felt her arms hit a torso, and seeing a harry staring down at her. "so you're awake now." he laughed at her confusion, as did she as she let her body go limp again in tiredness. 

"i'm so sorry i fell asleep, what time is it do you need a lift home?" she yawned before butting in on herself, "not that i'm trying to get rid of you, that sounded so rude i'm sorry, i just meant i don't want to keep you up or out of the house if you had something to do." she sat up and pushed her hair behind her ear slightly awkwardly as she began back tracking. 

again harry shook his head and smiled, trying to reassure her she wasn't doing anything wrong. "no that's completely fine and its getting late i don't want to keep you up anymore. and i'll get uber because i think someone is too tired to drive." he laughed at her as she let out sixth yawn so far. 
she begrudgingly agreed, "i just feel bad kicking you out after i fell asleep on you for about an hour while you were doing something for me, but i don't want to kill you with my tired driving. unless you wanted to stay round but i might not have any clothes for you." she offered, trying to think of ways to repay harry for today.

"another time, maybe after we go bowling for real this time since instead i had to come and watch my own videos." he stood up and began walking to the door with apollo following, agreeing that they definitely need to do something again soon. 

"thank you so much for everything today harry." she said as she pulled him into a tight hug, really trying to express her gratitude for not only the blog but keeping her company, as well as going o the police thing and overall how nicely he treated her. 
"apollo i promise you it was no bother, i wanted to be there with you and i enjoyed today too." he looked dead in her eyes like he was trying to drill it into her that he didn't find her and their whole messed up situation as a nuisance. 

she shook her head and pulled him into another hug, "ugh why do you have to be such a lovely person." she joked and pecked his cheek as they pulled away, causing a very faint blush to come over her face as she was unsure he would've minded. even though she meant it as a small platonic thank you.
"i do try don't i, i'll see you soon." he bent down slightly and matched the same light kiss on her cheek as they said bye for the last time that night and apollo went off to bed, cursing her confusing feelings towards one specific blonde boy. 

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