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[twenty fourth of october 2019]

"THAT MUST'VE BEEN A GOOD SIGN, SURELY"  harry stated as they sat in the car outside the station. unaware of their feelings. "i mean if we both knew it was three it must've been him and now he'll be locked up like he deserves." apollo only nodded in response, seeing the man again wasn't easy and harry knew that; which is why he suggested they do something to take their mind off of it. "coffee and a round of bowling? it should be quiet around now."

she looked up at him with a smile and nodded, "it sounds like a plan." she checked google maps and found a shopping park with a bowling alley and costa they could sit in and headed over there. in the meantime harry insisted on playing eye-spy which could've been a bit of a distraction to apollos driving but she looked past it and amused him with his game anyway. pointing out things like bollards, children and a pigeon. 

apollo took a long sip of her coffee and left a lipstick stain on the mug, "i was thinking of starting a blog," she paused and thought of what to say next as harry intently listened, "when my friends came round and i explained everything i said that i wanted to put all of my emotions and feelings about this awful situation into something that could turn out positive. it might be stupid but-" she was cut off by harry shaking his head.
"it's certainly not stupid, its a valid way to get your emotions out and like you said raising awareness could do quite a lot of good." she smiled at his enthusiasm and continued, 
"yeah i thought that if i'm going to be dealing with this for a while i may as well try and make something out of it, it doesn't need to become some big famous blog but at least it'll help me you know." 
"if you need any help with it i'm quite good at that sort of thing." he smiled with a hint of mock-cockiness. apollo looked confused, questioning if he was a blogger of some sort. "no - no i'm a youtuber." he added emphasis on the word with a bit of a joking accent. he figured that they were becoming friends so he may as well tell him herself before she googles him and finds out about his channel and the sidemen. 

"oh wow thats quite interesting, i watch a bit of youtube but i guess i've never found your videos but i'm assuming they're not beauty or home stuff." she laughed as he shook his head.
"no they're not surprisingly, i don't want you to think i'm telling you to be cocky or anything but i don't want you to like search my name and see this big old channel with a bunch of videos of me doing embarrassing things coming up." 

they both let out another laugh and apollo looked more interested now than ever, "theres nothing i've ever wanted to see more oh my god." she was cracking up at the thought of the videos he could be referring to. "can i see them?" 
harrys face had never changed so suddenly, "oh god not now, not in public. imagine how much of a dickhead i'll look proudly showing someone my youtube videos at a table like this, they'll think i'm so self-centred." he shook his head frantically but apollo wasn't stopping there.

"well we don't need to do it in public, bowling can wait we can do it another day because i think i need to witness these videos." she tried to down the rest of her coffee as quickly as possible. 
harry stuttered before speaking again, "what are you doing, are you seriously ditching us going out to watch my youtube videos?" he laughed, slightly regretting his choice of telling her now. 
"yep, i've got a date with me, my sofa and your youtube channel so let's go." 
he had already finished his drink prior to their conversation so she pulled him up and out of the store with determination before driving him back to her house as urgently as she could. 

once arriving at her house and getting themselves comfy on the sofa, harry had offered her to start with the cringiest first or the best and get worst, and apollo chose to start with the cringe. he pulled up some of his earliest videos and let her go to town with laughing at his former self. he watched as her eyes creased and even teared up due to her laughing so hard, her smile growing so big he was surprised her face wasn't aching. "this is the best thing i've seen in a while, i would never of guessed this from you." she was so shocked by his occupation which was weird for harry, he rarely met anyone outside of the youtube community so to introduce someone to the world of 'wroetoshaw' was unusual. 

"and theres this group channel with all my friends called the sidemen and i'm not gonna lie we have made some bangers, i'll show you my favourite so far." he said pulling up the $20,000 vs $200,000 holiday video to europe. her face when she saw it was 2 hours long was a picture.

"harry this could be a feature length film this is mad." she didn't stop gassing him up and was probably responsible for his ego getting even bigger. "you best believe i'm watching this whole thing." she laughed and leaned back on the sofa to get comfortable. 
"while you're doing that do you want me to make a start on your blog. i can set you up a website at least so then whenever you're ready you can start posting." he offered, grabbing her laptop that was streaming to her tv. 

"if you don't mind that would be amazing, i didn't really know where to start and i've not written anything yet but i could do one of those countdown things before the site unlocks couldn't i?" she vaguely recalled seeing that before on a bloggers page and liked the idea. 
he nodded, "i don't see why not." before getting to work. 

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