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[first of december 2019]

THE PHONE DISCONNECTED AND APOLLO SAT THERE on her sofa. just staring ahead. unsure of what she was to do. the man who had verbally harassed her and tried to follow her home was being sent to trial. herself and many other girls who he had unfortunately done much worse to were being called to testify against him and she felt sick with nerves. as the officer spoke to her on the phone she found herself unable to form words. she didn't know what to do, or who to tell.

she just sat. staring at nothing really, as her thoughts wandered. her experiences were being told in front of the jury and judge and the man had a chance of walking free. she wasn't just scared for herself but the other girls he had assaulted. this man did not deserve an ounce of freedom and she wanted to make sure he wouldn't get it.

thoughts were wracking her mind and she decided she wouldn't just let it consume her for the night. so she got to work at her desk and wrote. she wrote until she couldn't think of any more feelings to express. she wrote until she felt she had finally vented all she had to vent. and after a quick edit she uploaded it to her blog without a second thought.

harry was sat in the living room with the cals after a day of filming sidemen videos at youtube space. he was tired but felt he was long overdue a catch up with his two friends. so the three of them sat, beers in hand and spoke for a while. the topic of conversation got onto girls, after lux's recent breakup he hadn't been very invested in the world of dating but listened to what the other two had to say nonetheless. freezy explained how he had a few dates with a girl but it didn't work out, and harry had the most to tell.

his friends guessed he had a bit of a soft spot for apollo after the lap dance video, however they couldn't tease him for it in front of her and hadn't really had the chance to as she slept round that night. "so bog, how was that cosy night in with apollo?" lux teased, with a knowing smile that confused both of the other boys.

freezy shook his head, "nah apollo slept down here didn't she? she just left early?" he questioned, confused but wanting to know more. harry also intrigued to know what lux knew about that night and the morning after.

"i thought that, but i went into harrys room at about eleven that morning, maybe, and they were all cuddled up together in his bed." he grinned at harry for, what he assumed, getting laid for the first time he had in a while. while this sent freezy into hysterics who was over excitedly hyping harry up with lux.
all while harry was going red and shaking his head. "no no nothing like that happened, we just shared a bed and that was basically it." he lied through his teeth, and knew the others could tell. they pried for more details, "okay we didn't shag but she is not a disappointing kisser." he told them in the less detailed way possible. not wanting to share all the details of their first time 'doing bits' as freezy would say.

he was getting teased as expected but cal asked the dreaded 'what are you guys' question that harry did not want to answer, as he simply did not know. "i don't wanna label it after like one kiss come on cal." harry groaned, knowing he wanted to be with apollo but given the circumstances they met in, it still didn't feel right; despite the fact that they'd formed a very close friendship.

there was more noise coming from the two of them, but harry felt his phone vibrate and saw that apollos twitter automatically tweeted out another blog post. the boys noticed his eyebrows furrow and his expression get more serious and he pulled it up on his laptop, showing them her writing about her recent news.

at the end of the paragraphs their attitudes had changed. they really felt for her. apollo had a talent of making her emotions felt through her writing, and all three of them sympathised with her pain. lux was a bit out of the loop as he had only had freezy explain to him the situation the morning after they first met apollo. but he had read her other blog posts and knew that she was going through something he wouldn't wish on anybody.
harry closed the laptop and faced the other two. "i should go round there shouldn't i?" he questioned. while reading he could picture her while writing, and how she would've been coping which wasn't very well. they both agreed and sent him on his way, sending their love to apollo with him.

as he had a few drinks he decided he'd walk it along the river. it was just under a 10 minute walk but he was speed walking, eager to get there and be with her as soon as possible and check she was okay.

a/n- ooo a bit of a cliffhanger and also, theres 10 more chapters left of this story 🥺 i knew it was going to be a short and sweet one but its all happening so fast which is why im slightly spreading out the updates from now on. 

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