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[fourteenth of october 2019]

THE PAIR WERE STILL SAT ON THE sofa, two hours later. at around six o' clock they grew hungry. "do you want me to cook something, i can't promise it'll be that good but i've had a few too many takeaways in a row recently." harry joked, clutching his flat stomach.
apollo let out a little laugh and nodded. "if you want any help with anything, i don't think i'm too bad of a cook." she followed him to the kitchen and sat on a bar stool while he raided the cupboards and fridge. 

"our options are limited to tagliatelle pasta, chicken, mixed salad leaves, a tin of tomato soup, a tin of chopped tomatoes, garlic or some celery." he took out each thing as he said it, leaving the cupboards mostly bare aside from the odd pot noodle or packet of ham. they stared down at the limited options and the cogs inside their brains were basically visible. "well its obviously some kind of pasta." harry stated the obvious, making apollo facepalm. 
she came from a family of good cooks, and if she grew up not to be one she would've been severely disappointed in herself. 
"glad you finally came to that conclusion," she laughed at his slightly slow thinking, "pasta with a slightly shitter than normal sofrito sauce, and chicken instead of mince."  
harry just looked blankly and nodded, pretending to know what she meant but to him it was like speaking a foreign language. "i'll just trust that you know what you're doing and boil the pasta." he turned and clicked the stovetop on, causing the flames to light up. turning the tap on and tipping the pasta in. 

it took apollo a while to find her way around this foreign kitchen but in the end she located all the knives, pans and even a garlic crusher that harry was surprised he owned. she stirred the sauce and chopped the now cooked chicken into it. they made small talk and lightly danced around the kitchen to some music, playing through a speaker on the opposite side of the kitchen to themselves; while they cracked on with the meal made from minimal ingredients. 

impressed with her cooking and presentation, apollo snapped a quick photo of the meal to send to her mum and gain her approval. she hadn't had the chance to sit down and discuss the whole police situation yet but she would definitely be explaining it soon. she hadn't realised that harry caught her excitedly angling her phone to get the perfect photo of the plate in front of her, and was startled when he made fun of her for it. 
"trust me it's not going on instagram, i'm just sending it to my mum to show off my cooking skills." she spoke as sincerely as she possibly could just to ensure he knew she wasn't the type to post food pictures on instagram. 
he pursed his lips as he was thinking of something to say, "how does she know it doesn't taste like utter shit though?" 
"i guess she'll have to take my word." she laughed him off and the conversation moved onto something else rather swiftly, as did the rest of the conversation over dinner. 

until harry decided he had to ask, "i didn't really want to delve into the whole being followed situation, but how is everything going?" a tentative smile appeared on his face, trying to be delicate incase apollo was still fragile about the situation. he saw the fear in her face on the night and never wanted to witness anybody else go through anything like it. 
she let out a deep breath that she unintentionally held when harry got all serious, "the police are keeping me updated, the cctv has been checked and they're trying their best to id him and have found a few people so far. when they need us we'll be called in to identify him in a line up." she paused thinking, incase she missed anything out, "also they've appealed for any witnesses to come forward and released a map of the route i took, it was all tracked on my phone because i sent my location to the girls group chat and they said something about location history on the mans phone too. i think thats everything." 

harry nodded, taking in all the information he had just had to digest, "i'm glad they're really trying, i feel like i remember vividly what he looked like; late 20s to early 30s, dark hair that was either really greasy or slicked back with gel." he paused and pictured the man he saw though only streetlights, "he was quite tanned wasn't he? and he had a very scraggly beard." he closed his eyes once more to picture what he saw but shook his head with no more luck. 

apollo stared at the boy as he spoke, so thankful he remembered as much as he did. for only catching a glimpse of the man for a short while it was very impressive and would be very useful. 
"you're right. i got a bit of a better look at his face on the tube, his eyes were quite small and his face was rather short if i'm being honest. i remember his skin being very blotchy, it was like it was dirty but not with actual dirt so i'm not sure if it was a pigmentation thing?" she then thought back to what he was wearing. "i think he was in loose jeans with a brown jacket that looked vintage or just well loved. he was always behind me so i never got a good look as i didn't want to turn around and make eye contact you know. i felt like once he knew i knew what he looked like he would've pounced- like his cover was blown or something." 

harry just nodded and appreciated the fact that she was getting a bit more anxious over the whole situation so decided to put that topic to rest, and after a some time put the dishes in the sink before thanking her for her baked goods and allowing her to go home and rest. 

a/n- lmao i got locked out of wattpad bc apparently it got fucking hacked? 👁👄👁 but yeah very sorry for the delay x

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