A Hard Landing

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... CURRENT OBJECTIVE... PILOT SURVIVAL...                 

(Y/n) awoke in a cold sweat. 

"huh?... where am I?" he said, groggily "oh I see... I fell unconscious when we destroyed the fold weapon... well I need to get back into the fight."

wait a minute, is the fight even still going on? (y/n) thought. 

his memories were still a bit fuzzy. (Y/n) attempted to reboot his titan but he realized that he could not see anything, he blinked twice to make sure but the darkness remained as deep as if he never opened his eyes. He knew he was in his titan but he couldn't really remember how he got into the situation he was in. 

"Debbie? Hey, Debbie, wake up. Wake up Debbie!" 

Try as he might, his Titan would not respond. (Y/n) sighed. 

"Guess I'll have to find my own way out."

(Y/n) started to move around.

"ow..." he winced and looked down at his left arm. he could tell it was swollen just by moving it and something warm and wet was dripping from his fingertips 

"definitely broken... badly." he said, holding back another groan.

Then (y/n) began feeling around the cockpit for the manual release with his good arm.

After a little while, he found what he thought was the right lever and pulled. Suddenly the cockpit hatch popped open and (y/n) realized that he was actually hanging out of his seat, held only by his safety harness.

"Ahhh shit!" (Y/n) yelled,
then he calmed. "don't worry you're not falling yet, dumbass." He said, chuckling to himself while pulling out his blade to cut the strap.

Brace yourself! (y/n) thought as he cut the rope.


(Y/n) grunted as he hit the ground after a fall of exactly 2ft. He wheezed as he dragged himself up to his feet and looked around at his surroundings while cradling his damaged arm. 

"Where... Am I...?" he wondered as the pilot looked around 

In the darkness, he was taken aback by a landscape dominated by seemingly endless desert. 

"Yeah this is definitely not good..." (y/n) said scratching his head. 

He then stood up, dusted himself off and tried his radio. 

"Militia Command, Militia Command, This is Pilot (y/n) (l/n), do you read me?" 

After hearing no reply for 5 seconds, he tried again and waited . . . nothing. (y/n) felt this heart rate begin to steadily rise as he slowly realized the true extent of his situation. he quickly spun around again, his breathing becoming more unsteady with every mile of the desert he looked across.

Am I alone? Did I really come this far just to die on some deserted planet?

(y/n) collapsed to his knees... drowning in his thoughts. Suddenly a piece of machinery sparking brought him back to reality. 

Wait, I still have my titan. I may be able to fix my titan, and if I do that, I'm sure I could make some sort of communication device i could use to connect the fleet and get some help. yeah... yeah that could work!

With new resolve (y/n) stood to his feet and examined his titan. The hull had taken considerable damage from the militia's last gambit to stop the fold weapon from firing, but the vanguard class titan, at least mechanically, was still in fighting condition, "so what could be the problem..." Wondered (y/n) as he leaned on the side of his Titan's hull, staring at it. Just then he realized... "Something doesn't look right here..." He peered closer at the array of batteries and realized... 

"AHA!" Exclaimed (y/n) as he punched the last battery all the way into place. he sat back tired but satisfied as Debbie's instruments suddenly came to life, 

"Hmm.. maybe during the fold weapon's collapse her battery came loose... And then I guess during the dr-" 

(y/n) was cut off by Debbie's beautiful British accent 

"pilot (y/n) (l/n) recognized, rebooting titan protocols," she said. 

"Hey, Debbie," (y/n) said, "Girl am I happy to hear your voice again." 

"As am I, (y/n)" Debbie replied. 

"Now Debbie, would you happen to know where we are?" asked (y/n) hopefully. 

I have a plan. I know what to do. re-establish comms with the 9th fleet and acquire evac...

He looked up at the night sky at noticed the moon. 

There's only one moon, he realized, could this be... no that would be insane. he thought. he would have to ask Debbie to make sure.

"Is this... earth?"

"Pilot, This planet is extremely similar to earth, but, it has yet to be discovered. Summarily, you have just discovered a new planet. What would you like to call it?"


(y/n) turned back to his titan in surprise so quickly that he tripped over his own foot and fell face first into the sand.


(y/n) rolled over and sat up and sat up, taking his helmet off.

"you said: 'ow', would you like to change the name of this new undiscovered planet?"

(y/n) stared at his titan, wondering if she was serious. 

I get to name a whole planet?? THIS IS AWESOME!

"uh... I think I want to name this place...-"

"Unidentified Ion-class Titan spotted." 

"what? Debbie that's a terrible name. where did you come up with tha-- Wait what did you just say?"

 Then (y/n) himself caught a glimpse of what he thought at first to be a shooting star, but to the militia pilot, was an all-too-familiar sight... Titanfall.


"Pilot, I highly suggest that you embark."

"don't have to tell me twice!" (y/n) replied as he awkwardly got up using his good arm to support himself

"oh wait... I guess you did... Nevermind!"

(Y/n) ran back to his titan and jumped into his cockpit. he felt the nostalgic, comforting feeling of the titan link as the instruments and display lit up and his titan stood. (Y/n) watched the titan hit the surface about 400m away from his location. (y/n) groaned again, feeling the sharp pain returning to his numb arm as he took the controls.

"Debbie, could you give me some stim?" 

"got it, Pilot." Debbie replied.

(y/n) felt the prick of the needle and a surge of energy completely eliminating his pain. 

"Woah, that's got a kick!" he said, shaking his head 

Now uninhibited, He equipped his triple-barreled grenade launcher and started moving cautiously towards the titan, ready for anything, but as he got closer and was able to make out small visual distinctions on its hull he stopped dead.

"hey Debbie, can you tell me who's piloting that titan?" 

"Scanning... it appears to be a mercenary pilot."

(ok so like i know this one was a Lil bit short but the next one and every chapter after it will definitely be full length)

(don't forget to leave a comment if there's something you liked)

(ok bye-bye now!)

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