Your Loadout

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This is you. say "hi" to you. 

You are 17 years old.


The Sidewinder is a rapid-fire micro-missile launcher. It is effective against large targets but lacks precision due to its large spread. The micro-missiles it fires do not yield a large area effect on detonation, due to their shaped-charge design.


The Charge Rifle fires an energy beam that inflicts massive damage. after it is charged up by holding the trigger it unleashes a burst of static electricity. this particular model was upgraded. bigger laser, more damage. you know the deal

pilot ability:

The Holo Pilot ability deploys a hologram that mimics its Pilot's last move, deceiving enemies into believing it is a real enemy whilst concealing the pilot in active camouflage.

This is DB-5453. Your partner.

please note: your titan is an experimental vanguard Mk.2. Unlike its predecessor, it is equipped with VTOL jets that were salvaged and improved from Viper's Northstar titan that does not require cooldown and a plethora of titan ordinance. pretty cool right?

Primary - triple threat:

The Triple Threat is a grenade launcher that shoots 3 grenades at once. It excels at clearing rooms, and its grenades explode on armoured contact, making it effective at close range against other Titans.

Secondary - broadsword:

the broadsword can deploy an electric wave on the surface of its blade and can be used to dismember, grunts, buildings, enemy titans, etc. It's not exactly the sharpest sword, but that doesn't really matter when it's swung with 40 tons of force behind it.

it comes with its own titan ordinance, arc wave, and sword block. 

sword block blocks incoming projectiles and other dangers, reducing damage taken.

arc wave sends a wave of electricity from the tip of the blade across the ground stunning enemy titans and dealing significant damage.

The Multi-Target Missile System enables you to engage multiple targets at once by painting up to 12 different targets or locking on to one target with several missiles. This holds a max of 12 missiles at a time, but missiles can be fired individually. 

in addition, Debbie is equipped with improved VTOL jets recovered from viper's Northstar titan to not only hover but fly at high speed.

With these abilities, you can be sure to kick all manner of ass on any battlefield. Good hunting! 

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