Finishing The Mission

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*radio crackle* 

"Commander Briggs to all battle stations, I want close fire support on Cooper and BT. Do whatever it takes to cover them." 

Pilot (Y/n) (l/n) was in his titan, DB-5453, tearing away at an IMC titan when he heard the order. After dispatching the poor bastard by driving a broadsword through his cockpit, he looked over his shoulder and up the hill to see BT-7274 and Cooper charging straight towards the Fold weapon control room. Then came the thunder. Even inside his cockpit (y/n) felt the vibrations of a cacophony of cannon fire that rained down from above, impacting enemy titans and positions, leaving no trace.

"Alright let's bring it home, boys!" (y/n) yelled to his fellow pilots as they surged forward.

"Protect that titan at all costs!" (Y/n) ordered, pointing at the titan that was cutting through enemy lines.

At least leave some for us, Cooper. he chuckled to himself as he expertly dismantled a railgun battery that was targeting a militia carrier.

(Y/n) watched as BT and Cooper entered the station and stormed the control room

(Y/n) and other militia titans took up defensive positions at the entrance.

"We'll keep the enemy off your back. The rest is up to you, Cooper!" (Y/n) said, turning his back to the doors and bracing himself against the coming waves of enemies.

The militia fought hard against the seemingly endless onslaught of metal, fire, and blood. Shells churned up the earth as titans marched on the entrance to the station. (Y/n) fired his grenade launcher, picked off targets with missiles, and cut down enemy titans with his giant broadsword but it wasn't enough. Every single minute he watched another militia titan fall. (Y/n) felt despair rising in his chest as his back pressed up again the wall. He looked around and realized, he was alone... That moment of distraction was all the enemy needed to move in. By the time he realized, an enemy had already borne down on him and was eating away at his shielding with cannonfire. (Y/n) recovered, raised his grenade launcher to fire and,

*Click* he was out of ammo.


(Y/n) dropped the launcher and quickly switched to his broadsword.

"Shield integrity at 10 percent." Debbie relayed.

"You want some?" (Y/n) snarled, as he advanced on the titan, blocking every attack.

"Come get some then!" (Y/n) roared as he charged his broadsword and dragged it across the ground, sending out a powerful arc wave that raced towards the enemy titan, disabling its shields and immobilizing it.

"You're dead." He said, as he neatly cleaved off the titan's arms.

Then he unleashed a full missile barrage on the doomed titan and stepped back to watch it explode sending bits of titan and pilot across the battlefield.

Suddenly (y/n) saw a pulse of energy flash from deep inside the station

"BT, Cooper, this is (y/n) do you read me?" He turned towards the door and ran inside.


(Y/n) raced towards the control room.

Don't worry Cooper, I'm coming for you. We're going to finish this.

Finally (y/n) and Debbie burst into the control room and saw BT lying on his back with the ark lying beside him.

"Commander Briggs, I found BT and Cooper, they're in bad shape"

"Pilot (y/n), this is Commander Briggs, You and DB get them out of there and complete the mission. The fate of our home is at stake. I'm trusting you with this"

"Copy that," (y/n) said, beads of sweat dripping from his forehead. "Finishing the mission."

Suddenly Debbie spoke up.

"Commander Briggs, I believe I have a solution. In its exposed state my reactor core may be able to destabilize the ark at the center of the fold weapon." Debbie said as she climbed on to the cradle that BT had ripped the ark out of.

"DB, what are you saying?" (Y/n) questioned.

"We can blow it up. I'm sending you coordinates for a dropship rendezvous."

"Ok we'll be there, but I don't see how you can." The commander replied.

"Trust me," Debbie said, "I have done the math."

The cradle loaded Debbie and (y/n) into the fold weapon as it started to charge up to fire.

"You better have a way out of this for both of us" (y/n) said, though in the back of his mind he knew that something terrible was about to happen.

Inside the cannon, lights began to flick on, starting at the end of the cannon and moving back all the way to the start of the barrel. There was a moment of silence, followed by blistering acceleration as Debbie and (y/n) were rocketed towards the Ark.

If I'm going to die here, being with my titan and saving our home isn't a bad way to go. (Y/n) thought but at the last second,

"Protocol 3: protect the pilot," Debbie said as the hatch opened and (y/n) was pulled out.

"Debbie, what the hell are you doi-"

"Trust me," Debbie said as she tossed him high into the air before she collided with the ark.

"DEBBIIIE!" (Y/n) yelled as he watched the Ark explode in a blinding flash, bits of the station and the fold weapon flew past him as the ark began to meltdown. he saw a large piece of concrete flying right towards him and raised his arms to soften the blow. as the concrete hit him he cried out in pain.

"Ach-!" (y/n) felt blinding pain in his left arm.

Then suddenly, the flow of time seemed to reverse and (y/n), along with other objects began being sucked into what (y/n) realized, in horror, was a black hole. He sighed,

I guess we're dying together huh, Debbie he thought as he was plunged into the black hole before losing conscious.

An untold amount of time passes, as (y/n) drifted aimlessly through the empty space inside the black hole, but just as he was running out of oxygen he heard it.

*Beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

The titan proximity sensor? (y/n) thought, no that's not possible.

Nevertheless, the proximity sensor continued beeping on until Y/n bumped into something. He used his jets to spin around and he suddenly was face to face with,

"Debbie..." (Y/n) smiled weakly. "Hey girl you don't look too good"

Oh well, at least we won't die alone. He thought as he climbed into the cockpit and drifted off to a long cold sleep.



(if you like the action lemme know cuz i really want this story to be a success, especially since it's been so fun to write so far)

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