Strelizia's pilots

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"Well, aren't you interesting?"

. . .

(y/n) looked up at the beautiful girl sitting on the bunk in front of him, unsure of what he should do in this situation. He couldn't help but wonder about the girl's horns as his brain swirled with a thousand questions.

How did she find me? Is she like me? Am I like her? What is happening to me? Could she tell me more about what I am?

"Stopping staring, you pervert"

(y/n) was pulled from his trance by the girl's sudden giggles and unexpected words.

"Oh! uh, sorry..." He averted his eyes out of embarrassment, shifting his hat in the process before he quickly readjusted it to hide his horns.

"Ahem," he cleared his throat. "Uh, Hi... My name's (y/n)"

"Oh so you've got a name, too? I'm a little surprised." The girl replied.

Why? Is having a name not normal here or something?

"What's your name, then?" (y/n) asked the mysterious girl.

"My name? Well everyone calls me Zero Two so I guess you can too." She said. "I pilot Strelizia with my Darling."

"You're darli-?" (y/n) was cut off as the mysterious girl fired off another question.

"So, are you a new parasite or something?" Zero Two asked, "You're not wearing a uniform but you're around the same age as the rest of us."

"Uh, no, I'm not a parasite. I'm a pilot." I responded. "Also, if you think I'm around the same age as you guys, are you 16?"

"We're all 16 years old."

"wait, so... let me get this straight: You're teens who fight klack-... klaxs-.."

"Klaxosaurs," She corrected.

"Klaxosaurs, thank you- by piloting giant mechs?"

"they're called franxx. we pilot them in male-female pairs." She explained, before asking a question of her own, "Since you're clearly not a parasite could you be one of the two of the two people that were recovered with that thing yesterday?"

"Yup that's me."

The girl suddenly leaned in very close to my face, and I felt as if my whole body was being X-rayed. I began to wonder if she would be able to see my horns. All of sudden she reached for my hat but as I tried to stop her a voice called to her from downstairs.

"Zero Two, it's time to get ready for the briefing!"

"Alright!" she yelled a reply.

"Oh, I guess you gotta go, then?"

"I can tell you have questions, right? You should come too, then. The room is the door right before the hanger."

I wasn't sure if what she just was ok but I couldn't get out a reply before she left.

Oh well, I guess the briefing is where all the questions are answered anyway.

I made sure to wait until everyone had left and then I exited the garden and started walking, this time towards the briefing, and hopefully, some answers.

Plantation 13 Hangar

Dr. Franxx, accompanied by Nana and Hachi, led Slone to his office in the Hangar. Slone wondered what awaited her at the end of the wide, seemingly endless hallway. She wasn't left wondering for long, however, because at the end of the hallway there were a set of double doors that opened to a huge hangar where all of Squad 13's Franxx were stored, unmoving and lifeless compared to when she had first seen them. At the end of the line of Franxx was (Y/N)'s titan, DB-5453. compared to the Franxx she was a little bit smaller but she definitely made up for with the sheer magnitude of ordinance she carried. Slone also knew that her pilot was no slouch, either. Doctor Franxx stopped at the foot of the Titan and turned to Slone,

Two Worlds Collide (Titanfall x Darling in the Franxx)Where stories live. Discover now