Fuel and Food

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(Y/n), Slone and Debbie had been on the move for 3 hours straight and besides the occasional battery charge report, no one had said a single word. On the outside, it may have looked as though they were focused on the task at hand but in reality, their minds were racing in a different direction.

Something is making this more uncomfortable than it already is... wait, don't tell me... a blush slowly began to form on Slone's face but just as quickly as it came it disappeared, replaced instead by anger. I swear to God I'll kill him if that's what it is...

With every bounce or bump, she moves! I'm trying my best to distract myself and not think about it but nothing about this is easy! thought (Y/n), sweat dripping from his forehead. I need to find a way to break this awkward silence...

"so, uh, why did you become a pilot?" (y/n) asked, bracing himself for a sharp retort.

a little while past and Slone gave no response. (y/n) had pretty much given up when she finally replied.

"My family," she said in a low voice, barely loud enough to hear. "My family needs the money, and my dad had taught me, so when the Apex Predators just happened to land near my town I asked them to take me."

(y/n)'s eyes widened. so she wasn't doing this just for the money. i mean, she was, but it was for her family.

"but, if your dad taught you, couldn't he have gone instead?" (y/n) wondered carelessly.

Realizing what he had said was disrespectful he quickly corrected himself.

"I mean, everyone has their own reasons, i didn't mean to impose." (y/n) said quickly and embarrassedly.

"no, you're right, but you see, he did go," she replied. "My dad was an IMC pilot. he was killed in action in the battle of Demeter," she said, her voice breaking.

(y/n) watched as a single tear escaped her eye and slid down her cheek and felt his heart twinge.

"I guess you and I aren't that different," (y/n) said softly, with a sad smile. "my family died in an IMC attack on our planet when I was still a little kid. These days, if I'm honest, I can't remember their smiling faces, only the screams..." Suddenly (y/n) was assaulted by images of his house burning as menacing titans marched across his family's land. he remembered the bodies of his mother, father, and sister amongst the burning wreckage, happy memories that would be lost forever.

he closed his eyes and tried to suppress them, but he was powerless to stop the emotion-filled memories from once again permeating his thoughts. he remembered turning to look at a soldier ripping through his mother's jewellery.

"oh I'm sorry, is this your mum's? well, i hope you don't mind me taking them. I mean, i would leave them here if you could beat me..."

he remembered being kicked into the dirt when he tried to stop him. he remembered the soldier's laughing words like cold knives digging deep into his heart.


That was the day he knew would get stronger. Stronger so that he would never lose someone he loved again. Stronger so that no one could ever beat him. (y/n) opened his eyes and noticed Slone staring at him with a strange look on her face.

"I'm sorry I kinda just got lost in my thoughts for a second," he said dismissively, but Slone's eyes never left his face.

"what? what is it? is there something on my face?" (y/n said reaching up to wipe his face when he felt it. something wet was rolling down his cheek.

"h- huh, that's we-weird... I m-must have gotten some dust in my eyes." (y/n) said, startled by his own tears.

Just as quickly as he wiped the tear it was replaced by another, and then another.

"haha, this is pretty awkward..." (y/n) nervously laughed, trying desperately to keep in his emotions.

On the spur of the moment, Slone wrapped her arms around him.

"what are you-" (y/n) leaned back out of embarrassment and surprise.

"shut up," Slone said and pulled him into a soft and unexpectedly warm embrace. "Don't say a word."

All of a sudden (y/n) felt a knot of emotion that had been tightly knit over the course many years suddenly come undone. he began to sob quietly into her chest.

"I know how it feels to hold emotions in for so long. but eventually, you have to let it out." Slone

how did this happen? Am i being comforted by this girl who has killed dozens of my comrades? No, that's not right. She's just like me, we're both just fighting to survive and protect what is important to us.

several long seconds passed in uninterrupted silence before the two broke apart again.

That felt really good but... Slone but felt her cheeks flush. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW?!

it was awkward before but now i can't even look at him without my heart rate spiking.

Slone turned away from (y/n) looked out at the desert, too embarrassed to say anything, and (y/n) decided to check some of Debbie's systems to take his mind off of what had just transpired. Out of the dry desert, Slone noticed something emerging in the distance. It looked kind of like a dome and as it came further into view she realized it was some kind of manmade structure. her eyes filled with hope as she turned to (y/n).

"(y/n) look! look over there!" she exclaimed excitedly to him.

(y/n) Stopped his titan to try and get a better look at whatever Slone was talking about.

"uh, what am i looking at?" he replied, completely oblivious.

"you dumbass it's there, right there!" Slone urged. Pointing at the clearly unusual shape in the distance.

"Sigh... Pilot, human settlement spotted, 3 klicks away on your current heading." Debbie said.

Did Debbie just sigh? at me? no, that can't be right. Right?

"eh? that weird dome structure?" Looking closer, (y/n) realized how stupid what he just was, "oh... that weird dome structure." (y/n) said, deep in thought.

Suddenly the significance of the manmade structure struck him.


His sudden outburst annoyed Slone to the point where she almost hit him again.

"now that we've found civilization, shouldn't we maybe... I don't know... GET MOVING?!" Slone pointed out rather annoyedly.

"Oh shit, you're right," replied (y/n), who was feeling really stupid at that point. "I was saving this for a quick escape but since we can finally refuel, let's hit the jets, Debbie."

"Affirmative, Pilot" replied Debbie as her VTOL jets ignited and the titan slowly rose and began to hover on the ground. "takeoff successful, switching to level flight."

the cockpit became to shake violently as they rose higher and faster and blasted off towards fuel and food. but little did they know that they were actually in for a fight.

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