Why is it called The Kissing? Actually, Nevermind.

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"Why must we waste our time to fight you, humans, when the real threat to both of our existence comes from above? You who have bathed in my blood must be the one to stop this fighting. Only you, with both the blood of a human and the blood of a klaxosaur."

(Y/n) woke up in a cold sweat and sat up immediately. His heart was racing as he took a deep breath.

What the hell was that? That voice in my head, I've heard it before... What did she mean by real threat? Isn't the real threat the klaxosaurs?

(y/n) got up out of bed and walked over to the mirror. He wasn't sure what or why, but something felt different. He took a good look in the mirror and almost could not believe what he was seeing. Sure, (y/n) had always been built, having been in the militia since he was a child, but now his arms had grown even more. And he was taller, at least three inches taller.

ok... I thought I'd already hit my growth spurt?

The red horns on (y/n)'s forehead had also grown a little longer, which unsettled him. He raised a tentative hand and touched one of them, which surprisingly didn't hurt. He didn't know why he thought it would hurt but he was glad it didn't.

Could this be because of the blue blood? Could I be growing for because I'm becoming less human...?

(y/n) sighed and shook his head, pushing the thought to the side.

Right now, you have a job to do. First and foremost, my gear

he turned back towards his bed and caught a glimpse of something hanging on his door.

"My suit!"

(y/n)'s full suit and sidearm were hanging from a hook on his door and his jump kit was lying on the floor beside it.

Who the hell came into my room to put that there?  (y/n) thought, just a little creeped out by the invasion of privacy.

Meh, whatever,

(y/n) set about putting on his suit. 

As he put his legs through into his jumpsuit and then put his arms in. But, when he tried to zip it up but he couldn't do it all the way. The suit was especially tight around his ankles, arms and shoulders.

"Ah... Yeah that makes sense..."

(y/n) fiddled with the forearm console of his suit and sighed in relief as the suit resized itself to perfectly fit his new body.

He felt his suit comply obediently as the suits' sleeves, shoulders, and legs grew and reshaped to fit his larger body. After he was done putting on the suit he fastened and connected his jump kit which would allow him to "jump higher, run faster, and maneuver over any battlefield known to man!" as the small tutorial video, he had seen when he was a cadet played over in his mind.

he picked up his helmet which appeared to have been cleaned along with his suit, placed it over his head.

"Oh yeah-... nope, it still stinks in here." (y/n) wheezed as the airtight seal between the suit and helmet locked and he was forced to once again get used to the smell of the helmet he hadn't washed in months. 

As the in-helmet heads-up display began initializing he watched as all of his suit functions came up green.

Alright. I'm ready.

(y/n) opened his door and stepped confidently into the hallway.

he listened but he couldn't hear anyone in any of the rooms. In fact, it sounded like everyone had already left. he checked his HUD, which had already been calibrated to time on earth.

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