Two Small Red Horns

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"My brethren, attack the belligerent humans who steal the symbol of our bonds that courses through the planet's depths to power the very weapons they wield to destroy us."

huh... what is that voice?

"We cannot allow them to grow any stronger and impede our true objective."

Objective?... what objective? whose voice is in my head?

(y/n) tried to call out, "who are you? why are you in my head?"

"What is this? I'm sensing a different slightly different presence. something..."

(y/n) suddenly felt a strong fear, stronger than anything he had ever felt. the sensation of drowning grew within him and suddenly he knew for some reason that he had to get out of this odd nightmare.

"...not quite human."

(y/n) bolted upright, drenched in sweat from head to toe. he looked around frantically gulping in his surroundings like air. he quickly established himself in reality.

I'm in a hospital bed. where? i don't know. it seems safe. my weapons, where are they? not surprisingly, they're missing.

(y/n) breathed a pained sigh and began to move. he slid his legs out of the bed and tried to get up.

"ohhhh my god my head-... " he winced, as his head throbbed.

(y/n) felt as though somebody was firing off a 40mm cannon inside his skull. he wanted to grab his head but his left arm would not move. he looked down and noticed that it was in a cast.

Why is my arm in a cast? It's definitely feeling better now. I'm pretty sure it fully healed actually. (y/n) thought. Oh well.

He tried to wave off the dizzyness but it would not leave him. Even still, he took a step. then another step. his confidence growing ever slowly when all of a sudden an image flashed in his mind. In that brief instant, he saw a girl with blue eyes and skin and white hair staring thoughtfully. it was as though she was looking right at him. (y/n) suddenly felt a rush of nausea and fell forward only barely managing to protect his face from hitting the cold hard floor.


(y/n) closed his eyes and tried to picture that girl again. he tried and tried until he saw clearly her eyes, mouth, face, but this time he noticed more. there were tentacles, eight of them, that seemed to be coming out of her back and she had HORNS.

i musta been hit really hard to be having some weird as dream like that. he thought, chuckling to himself. though somewhere deep in his mind he knew, that was no ordinary dream. Suddenly, a woman who looked like a nurse and Slone rushed into the room.

"(y/n)!" she exclaimed with a worried tone and facial expression that surprised (y/n).

"oh- uh, hey, Slone," (y/n) replied smiling through the pain. But as he noticed the look on her face he was instantly concerned. "You okay?"

Plantation 13: one hour earlier.

Slone woke up to a sensation she had never felt before. A warm, comfortable bed and soft sheets. Slowly a smile grew on her face and she turned on to her stomach, giddily burying her head on her pillow.

"Mmmm the smell fresh sheets!" She exclaimed.

Since she'd joined up with the Blisk and the Apex Predators, the only bed she'd known was a military cot in a six by eight-foot quarters surrounded on each side of her room by smelly crew quarters so this, she felt, was as close to heaven as she'd get for a while.

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