Chapter 3

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 First day of school

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First day of school

Waking up in the morning I felt like all hopes had been stripped away. I had trouble sleeping at night. Most of the night I spent crying and the other half I spent trying to convince myself that whoever called was just a random lunatic.

When I looked in the mirror I might as well have been looking at death right in the eyes. After showering I got dressed. I went for dark skinny jeans, white long sleeved shirt, and my brown boots. I decided on wearing my hair down and applying some makeup. By the time I was finished I looked like an actual girl with style. It may not have been much but add some accessories and I was good to go.

I wrapped a teal scarf around my neck- not that it would be enough to protect me from the slight wind. Grabbing my backpack and my sweater I headed downstairs where my dad was waiting for me.

"Good morning." He said.

"It sure is." I smiled. "Do you mind if Don takes me to school early? I want to get my classes and books. I want to find where my locker is too."

"You haven't eaten." He said, frowning like always.

"I think I can go a day without eating in the morning. Besides, I'm sure you're going to have Don or Kyle shadow me at school." I said. "They can make themselves useful and buy me food."

"You won't know they're there."

"I'd prefer it if they weren't there at all."

"We already talked about this, Chloe."

"I know and I know nothing I say will change your mind."

I didn't bother saying goodbye to him. He was already putting me in a sour mood. Don was already waiting for me in the car. I said a short hello and soon we were off to school.

When I got to school there were few cars in the parking lot. The school buses were just starting to arrive. I didn't bother saying goodbye to Don since I knew he would be staying in the schools grounds. Kyle would probably take over so he could get a break. I hadn't seen him in a long time and I was actually looking forward to it.

I walked through the doors of Ashburn High and I could feel the warmth hitting my face. Entering the building the main office was to my left. The class walls were sparkly clear. I walked into the small office and the Lady behind the desk looked up at me.

"Doors don't open for another thirty minutes." She said, looking up at me from her glasses.

Her brown hair was pinned up in a bun. She wore a red turtleneck long sleeve shirt. She had pearl earrings on with a matching necklace. Her red lips were pressed into a tight line and she looked at me with slight irritation when I didn't make a move to leave.

"I'm sorry, I'm new here. My dad said he signed me up a week ago." I said.

"What is your name?" She asked, typing away on her computer.

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