Chapter 11

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 Maya was missing

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Maya was missing.

My head continued to circle around those words but I just couldn't seem to comprehend. I stared at the police officer whose badge said Officer Grove. His dark eyes were still on me- studying me, observing me. I was too stunned to squirm under his intense gaze.

"Miss. Blackwell, could you please tell me what was the last thing you talked about with your friend?" Officer Grove asked. "Did she say where she was going or if she was meeting anyone?"

"I-I don't know." I said honestly.

Maya never told me where she would be going. She gushed over the date she would be having with Dimitri. My heart sped up thinking something terrible could have happened. Why couldn't I just listen and realize that Vincent and Dimitri weren't good people.

"Will you let us know if you hear anything?"

I nodded robotically and continued to think to myself. Officer Grove said something else and again I just nodded. My mind was going through the worst scenarios and I had to admit I was frightened. We weren't really close but we were friends. Maya and Alexa were my only real friends and I cared about them.

I didn't know how long I stood at the door frozen in thought. I didn't snap out of it until I saw the blinking lights fade down the street. I closed the door and went into the kitchen. Kyle sat up on the island and winced in pain when he made a move to stand.

"You shouldn't be up. Your wounds could open up." I said, rushing to him.

"I'm fine, Chloe. I rather do your father some good than being here. I'm useless to him." Kyle said, a frown tugging at the corner of his lips. "What did the cop want anyways?"

"How did you know it was a cop?" I asked.

Kyle was in the other room. There was no way he could even see that it was a police officer. Kyle shrugged and waited for me to answer. I didn't want to tell him that I had been talking to Vincent or Dimitri. This was actually the first time I was able to have a proper conversation with him since getting home.

"Apparently one of my friends is missing." I said, feeling the sting in my heart. "I-I need to make a phone call."

I quickly rushed to my dad's office where I knew the other cordless phone was. My dad smashed my phone so that was junk now. I got as far as dialing the area code of Ashburn when I remembered I didn't even know Dimitri's or Vincent's number. I didn't even know Maya's or Alexa's by heart.

I ran to my room with my phone in hand and fired up my laptop. My contacts were stored there and I was relieved when I found Alexa's. She didn't answer the first time I called and I left a message telling her it was me. I gave it a few minutes and tried again.


"Hey, I need a huge favor." I said, getting right to the point. "I need to talk to Vincent and I don't have his number."

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