Chapter 15

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 Maya missed two weeks of school and in that time I realized something was off

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Maya missed two weeks of school and in that time I realized something was off. Alexa avoided talking about her completely. Maya and I texted on and off, but things were strange.

Here I was at Big Joe's burger joint with my two friends who were barley speaking to each other. I wondered what their deal was. We had been sitting here for twenty minutes and no one said a word.

When Maya first walked in I was more than a little shocked. Maya's chirpy and confident self was gone. She looked pale and she had dark circles under her eyes. Her usual curly and poufy hair was flat. All color seemed to be gone from her. She looked thinner too.

"Alright, what's up with the two of you?" I said.

Maya and Alexa both looked at me. Alexa seemed annoyed but now all emotion was gone. She wore a blank expression.

"You both have been quiet the entire time. I wanted us to get together because we're supposed to be friends. Maya, you've been gone and I've been worried."

"Thanks for checking on me, but I'm fine. I didn't need an intervention, Chloe."

"This isn't an intervention. I just want to know what's been going on. Alexa hasn't said much about anything."

I gave Alexa a look and she acted like she didn't know what I was talking about. These were the o my two friends I had and they were barely talking to each other or me.

"I got into something..." She mumbled. "I'm fine now."

"You said you had a date with Dimitri that day. What happened to that?" I asked. "You seemed really excited about it."

"Why do you care?" She snapped.

I was taken back by the hostility behind her words. She seemed pissed off for some reason and I noticed it when we came here. Did she know what happened between me and Dimitri? I didn't remember telling her and I doubted Alexa would have told her without my consent.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I-" she shook her head. "We had to do a rain check. He said something about going out of town."

I remembered Vincent saying something about that. I made a mental note to ask him later when the opportunity came. There was something seriously wrong with Maya and I was getting worried.

"How's Vladimir?" I asked Alexa.

She had been quiet staring off into space. When I mentioned Vladimir her eyes lit up and she smiled. I could see how in love Alexa was. Every time she talked about him there was so much love in her words. I hoped for her sake Vladimir wouldn't end up breaking her heart. I didn't think Alexa would be able to handle that.

"He's good." She beamed. "We're good."

Maya snorted and crossed her arms. She rolled her eyes at Alexa and it didn't take a genius to guess what she was thinking. Maya still wasn't accepting of Vladimir. I honestly couldn't blame her. After what Alexa told me it made me think Vladimir was kind of a jerk.

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