Chapter 4

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The bell rang loudly signaling yet another end of a class period. Excitedly everyone started rushing out of the classroom. I took my time in gathering my things. Next I had lunch and where I would sit with Alexa and Maya like I had been for the past few days.

All morning Alexa had been glued to Vladimir. He kept her tucked under his arm as if she would be taken away from him. They looked good together but I wondered if their relationship was any good. From what Maya told me it seemed that the relationship was always on and off. At the moment they were an on but how long would that last?

I left my History class wishing that they would leave it all in the past. It was called history for a reason. I understand that we have to learn history but no lecture should be that boring.

"Hey Alexa." I said, spotting her as she walked out of her classroom.


Alexa beamed at me, her face lighting up. She threw her arms around me and crushed me into a hug. I wasn't expecting this from Alexa. In the morning she didn't even acknowledge my presence. In the few days we had been friends I could see why Maya was concerned.

"I'm so happy to see you."

"We just saw each other this morning."

"It feels like a lifetime ago. Maybe today we can have lunch together today."

It was only on my first day that Alexa sat down with Maya and I at lunch. The rest of the days she was with Vladimir and his friends. It bugged Maya how much control he had over Alexa.

"You're not going to sit with Vladimir?"

"He prefers Vlad, and no. I'll sit with you guys today."


I looked over Alexa's shoulder to see Vlad making his way towards us. His dark eyes were on Alexa and I didn't miss how tense she was. Just like this morning he tucked her under his arm. Vlad didn't miss a moment to kiss her with a sort of possessiveness that was alarming to me. Seeing her like this with him worried me. I could see how much dominance he had over her.

"I was waiting for you." Vlad said, voice gruff. "But you weren't coming."

"Sorry Vlad," Alexa said, looking very upset. "I didn't mean to make you wait."

"It's alright. Chloe is it? You're new here right?"

"I've been here for almost a week but I guess so, yeah."

"You should come have lunch with us." He suggested.

"Really?" Alexa smiled excitedly. "Thank you so much, Vlad!"

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