Chapter 13

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That was one thing that was cleared up

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That was one thing that was cleared up. Maya was alive and well. She was taking off a couple of days from school. Her parents were apparently really strict with her when it came down to her studies. Her mom was keeping her home to keep an eye on her.

My dad was completely shutting me out and it annoyed me to no end. He didn't want to talk about what happened to Kyle. When Kyle came over on the third day he seemed fine. I mean fine like the incident never even happened and that's exactly how everyone was acting.

Every time I brought it up with dad, Kyle, or even Donovan, they would just ignore me. It got to the point where I had to leave the house because I couldn't stand being in the same room as them.

Don replaced my broken phone. I sent several text messages to Vincent but he never replied. He didn't answer any of my questions and he didn't answer his phone when I tried calling. Dimitri was no better than his brother when I approached him at school.

"Let it go, Chloe." He had said.

"Let it go? Your brother was hurt! He had the same wounds as Kyle!"

"What's your point?" He asked.

Dimitri was acting cold with me and I figured I didn't stand anywhere with him. That hurt more than it should have. I hated myself for caring. I should have just listened to everyone and stayed away.

I tried leaving the house more often and that did not sit well with my dad. We had several arguments. Every time we argued I brought up the incident and that was enough to shut him up. If he wasn't willing to tell me the truth then I wasn't willing to follow his rules.

It was Saturday when I found myself at the Purple Lantern. I had decided this was my new comfort place. I felt like no one would bother me here but of course that changed when someone plopped in on the seat in front of me.

I looked up to meet Vincent's dark eyes. He had a small smile but it didn't reach his eyes. I was reading a book, trying to catch up in English class. I had been distracted with everything that I was missing so much and I needed to catch up. I could feel Vincent's eyes burning right through me.

"You know we don't actually have to finish the book until assigned." Vincent said after a while of watching me read.

I didn't look at him when he spoke. I was intent on giving him the cold shoulder just like he had done to me. Now that I was ignoring him he would know how I felt. Why couldn't he just answer my damn phone calls?

"So you're not even going to acknowledge me?" Vincent asked. "Are you giving me the silent treatment? If you are I hope you know how too damn cute you look."

My lips twitched up just the slightest and I knew he caught it. Vincent snatched the book out of my hand and closed it. I fought the urge to snap at him for not marking my page. I held back knowing this is what he was trying to do. I pulled my cell phone out and started going through it as if I had some important text messages to go through.

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