Chapter 26

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 "What the hell happened?" My dad demanded

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"What the hell happened?" My dad demanded.

None of the men dared to look up at my father. He continued to yell at them for not taking one of his orders. They screwed up and my dad wasn't pleased. I didn't even want to stop to think who the blood belonged to. They didn't have any open wounds and from what Vincent showed me of his wounds, werewolves don't heal that fast.

"We were ambushed." One of them defended.

"We had to do something!" Another said.

"We have enough problems with that pack thinking we-never mind. I'm going to try to fix this mess you have all gotten us into." Dad said and then turned his attention to me. "Stay here and don't you dare think about leaving."

"What's going on? Did something happen with Archer's pack?"

"Just stay here." He ordered.

Everyone followed him out of the room and out the house. I stood in silence and felt completely alone. I knew I really wasn't alone because no way would my dad leave without having someone shadow me at all times. Either Kyle was out there or one of his usual people. I hadn't seen much of Don lately and that to me felt strange.

Shutting off the lights I headed up to my bedroom to try and pull it together. Sitting in my bed and resting my back against the headboard, I thought about all the information my dad had given me today.

Werewolves were only able to turn on a full moon for the first time and could turn into a wolf whenever they pleased after the first turn. There was a high possibility that one could die or live if bitten, but he mentioned something about having the gene.

What was there? Oh right, I almost forgot. On a full moon I would literally become a feral animal. I would lose all sense of who I am, but then there is Aconite. Vincent said that it was deadly but could be a good thing? On what little I knew about Wolf's Bane, I knew it's very deadly to werewolves. That's how they kill them.

But just the right amount is like a momentary blessing.

His words ran through my mind. I had to remember to ask him about this next time I talk to him. Now I just needed to figure out what to tell him. I've been ignoring him for the past week. He couldn't really blame me but it wasn't nice on my part either. I owed him.

As if on cue my phone started buzzing. I looked down at my phone and saw Vincent's name flashing on the screen. Guilt set in me and I shoved the phone back in my pocket. I couldn't talk to him right-


I screamed and jumped when something hit my window. There was a tapping which only frightened me more. I moved closer to the door and was going to dart out when I heard a voice. I squinted and slowly walked to the window. I looked into the darkness and could see a figure. I opened the window and glared at Vincent.

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