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"DETAILS!" Anna's grin only widened as her sister got closer to her, her slender fingers reaching for the french-braid to let her hair down.

"Anna, nothing happened. We just...talked." Which was entirely correct. But even a few words could sparkle a fire and bring it to life within one's heart, even without knowing it.

The young girl giggled, throwing herself back on her sister's bed. "Well, talking is definitely more than nothing, dear sister." She turned her head to face Elsa with a knowing grin forming from her lips. "Did you kiss her?"

Elsa hopped down on the edge of the bed, releasing a frustrated sigh. "No, of course not. Don't be absurd, Anna."

The Queen felt her sister moving on a bed, not so gracefully shifting and sliding, then a moment later, she was kneeling beside her, curiosity and less hope in her eyes. "Then...did she kiss you?"

Not knowing how to escape at the bold question, Elsa gently punched her sister's arm. "Anna! She's a woman!" The platinum blonde released a small sigh, dropping her gaze to the floor. "You know that's forbidden."

Shaking her head, Anna gently touched Elsa's shoulder, forcing her to look into her eyes. "Yet you still want it, don't you?"

Elsa's earlier mood turned into something more bitter. She didn't know why it felt so wrong to want something that feels a little bit scary, yet exciting at the same time "Anna, it's not right, and the whole thing is not about what I want, it's about what's good Arendelle."

"Elsa, that's not what I asked." The younger woman sighed, taking her sister's hand in hers. "Look, Elsa." Her voice turned angrier, not quite offending or violent, but tenser. "I won't judge for who you are and who you want to be with. I love you, and I want you to be happy and if that means that you might find happiness in a woman's arms, then so be it." She held her sister's hand tighter, looking directly into her blue orbs. "I'm asking you once again. Do you like women, Elsa?"

"I-I..." She was speechless. Does she really like women? She's never been in love before, then how's she supposed to know? Hell, she hasn't even had her first kiss yet. Romantic love is such an unknown thing to her. But still, she can't help but blush and feel a tingling sensation in her stomach every time Cassandra looks at her. And oh God, the warmth of her body felt so intoxicating against hers when their arms touched. She wants to be close to her, talk to her or just anything. Is it what they call having a crush on someone? Maybe Anna was right; she does like women. There's no point in denying something that's not a secret anymore. "Yes."

"That's all I needed to hear." She released Elsa's hand, making small gestures with her hand as she spoke. "The plan is the following: tomorrow, I'll visit Cassandra, and then-"

Anna didn't have to finish the sentence, her sister cut in. "That won't be necessary. I'm perfectly fine without having any kind of romance in my life. And besides, Cass is probably not like me." She was lying to herself. She knew deep inside how desperate she was for someone who would be by her side. Still, she couldn't risk her royal title because of her hormones.

"Excuse me, but what the actual f-..." The redhead coughed, stopping herself from saying a harsh word. Elsa never allowed her sister to say any bad words at her presence, saying it has a harmful impact on the younger woman. "That woman is wearing men's clothes, don't tell me she's not into women! I mean, it's obvious she likes you! Well, just look at you! She was eyeing you like you are the most delicious piece of cake about an hour ago!"

She needed this to stop; she can't let herself fall deeper into that dark hole called love. She didn't want the pink cloud to surround her mind, but ohh, it must be so good to be held by someone at night! "Anna, stop!"

My Dear Queen (Elsa X Female OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon