Prince Anatoly

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A/N: Hey, everyone. Sorry, I disappeared again, but I have my reasons. Currently, I have some issues with my mental health and personal life. Covid is kinda ruining everything, and I'm constantly worrying about my future. The truth is, I'm facing a very important decision and a difficult challenge right now that will have a huge impact on my life. I have no other choice but to take a break. I'm not going to give up or anything, but this will take a while. Matura calls. Some Europeans might understand. So please, be patient until around...well, July. Gotta get that education.

Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy this chapter. It's short but better than nothing.


For a lover's heart, being far away from their beloved is one of the biggest pains. The distance makes it ache and suffer endlessly until they find themselves in their other half's arms again. Cassandra is feeling exactly like that. The terrible feeling of being so far away from Elsa continues to shatter her heart into countless pieces. She's not sure how long she can endure this pain that makes her want to scream and destroy everything in sight. There's no way she can exist without her soulmate, her lover, her Elsa, but the torture seems ceaseless. How long is she supposed to wait like this? In bed, longing with a heart full of pain and sorrow. Will she ever see her lover again? Cassandra is not sure anymore, but she remains hopeful. Maybe something magical will happen, and Elsa finds herself falling for the princess.

Princess. A sigh escaped Cassandra's lips as she stared at the wall across the room. How unusual, she thought as she sat on the edge of her bed. She finally managed to get used to being called a queen, and now she's a princess again. But she must admit, her current title makes her life more comfortable. Being a queen means a much bigger responsibility, and it's more complicated than what one can imagine. It's not like in fairy tales and books where the royals organize balls and parties. At least not for her. She genuinely cares about how she rules, and nothing is more important to her than her people's well-being. And her mother, the beloved Queen Zara has always been her role model. Zara is everything that makes a woman the perfect queen. Her kind and well-meaning spirit are known across the lands of Ovrilon. She's incredibly smart, regal, polite, even beautiful, and most importantly, a perfect mother to her children and her people. Her caring nature definitely makes the Queen appear more sympathetic, and Cassandra hopes that she's at least somewhat like her.

Cassandra kept gazing at the wall, countless thoughts running through her mind as she heard a knock coming from the door. It's been hours since she spoke to her mother, and the sun is already saying its last goodbye. She wondered why anyone would disturb her, the princess, who probably has no other duties than deciding what to wear. Or perhaps she has other things to do. When her father was the king, Cassandra did most of the paperwork. But she was so young when her mother died. She never had had a chance to prove herself as the crown princess. Regardless, she shall let the person enter and listen to what they wish. "Come in." She said in a stern tone.

Her head turned towards the entrance's way as she witnessed the person enter. Cass gulped, her heart began to beat faster and her body tensed by the sight of her brother stepping into the room. Since her mother's death, Cassandra never in her life would have expected to have a sibling, let alone have one this close. Thankfully, just like Cassandra herself, Anatoly resembles the Queen. His hair is dark as a fateful night, and his eyes, those cold orbs, are like the morning fog that could make anyone feel lost. If Cassandra is twenty-four years old at the moment, then Anatoly must be fourteen. Knowing his age made a tremble rush through the princess' body. Fourteen wasted years, all just an illusion, nothing more. And despite that, she still dares to wonder what kind of person her brother might be. He looks like their mother, but does he behave like their father? That would be most unfortunate considering Wulfacar's fate. But blood doesn't turn into water, and the two siblings must share a thing or two with the person who fathered them.

My Dear Queen (Elsa X Female OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz