Darkest Secret

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A/N: If you don't remember what happened in chapter 4: A liar's touch, please read at least until the part when Cassandra has a vision.

This chapter is short, but it wouldn't fit anywhere else.


I still remember that terrible day when the hell opened up right in front of my eyes. I was useless. Weak. I couldn't help them. The little girl who was almost like a sister to me for so long was lying on the ground, her blood watering the no longer blossoming flowers. Dead. The man who killed me glared at me with his eyes. I come next.

Fear taking control of me, I tried to run. Despite the pain that was still aching in me, I managed to move as fast as I could, but he was still behind me, chasing me like I was a prey. His armour slowed him down, but I was still too weak, I couldn't go far. With a cry, I feel on the ground, just in time to avoid the heavy strike of his axe, still covered in the girl's blood.

Somehow I managed to get up before he could try to kill me again. But I was weak, so goddamn weak! How long can I keep running away like that? Is it pointless? Should I just stop and beg for mercy, hoping for a quick death?

My life couldn't end here. And I wasn't the only one who knew it. A girl, probably around my age, showed up from behind a house. She had nothing, but perhaps a kitchen knife in her hand. Without hesitation, she jumped on the soldier, pushing him to the ground with great force.

"Run!" She yelled at me.

Still in pain, I got up and ran as fast as my body allowed me. I looked back at the village - fire and dead bodies everywhere. But the fire...was it mine? All those people...did they die because of me? Why would anyone attack such a friendly village? I must be the only reason. No matter what other people might say, I'll always blame myself for what happened.

Somehow, I ended up in the capital a few days later. The doctors finished patching me up, and my father came to visit me. Not like he cares or anything. But when I told him what happened...he only laughed at me.

My wounds finally healed, and months later, I finally found myself a girl I cared about. Our relationship was still in the earlier stages when I told her what happened to me. She called me a monster and left me. I never saw her again. My heart was slowly breaking...but I didn't cry. I don't know why. It's like I was losing all the humanity I had left withing myself. Am I really becoming a monster?

"Cassandra wake up!" Awoken by an angelic voice, Cass opened her eyes to see Elsa gripping her shoulders, looking down at her with nothing but worry. She felt wetness on her cheek. Was she crying? "Are you okay?" The blonde asked, still concerned.

"No!" The warrior yelled, more tears running down her cheek. "Why are you still here?! Aren't you afraid?!"

Elsa raised her eyebrows, her eyes widening. What's wrong with her? Did I do something? "What are you talking about?"

Shaking with fear, Cass freed herself from the blonde's grip and jumped up from the bed, only to sit down in one corner of her cabin. She pulled her legs up to her chest like she was going insane. "They all died because of me! Will you laugh into my face too!? Go, run away, just like everyone else!" She buried her face in her palms.

Elsa sighed and followed Cassandra, taking a seat next to her. "Calm down, Cass." She put a comforting hand on her back, affectionately running it up and down. "I won't run away or laugh at you." She gulped, just as scared as the other royalty. "Please look at me." She gently cupped her cheek. "Cassandra, look at me." The warrior lifted her head, sobbing as she cried. "Come here." Elsa wrapped her hands around Cassandra, gently pulling her to her chest. "Did you have a nightmare?"

"I-" She swallowed the lump in her throat. "Maybe? I don't know? I think it was more like a vision." She snuggled tightly to Elsa's body.

"And what did you see?"

"It's...not about seeing. Whenever I have a vision, I relive things - most of them are bad memories. This one has been hunting me for a year's."

"What happened?" Elsa asked as she played with the crown princess' raven locks. Knowing that the older woman is a warrior, she wasn't expecting a story about kittens and rainbows.

She felt Cassandra tensing in her arms. "I-I've never really talked about this to anyone."

"You don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable." Cass smiled. What did she do to deserve Elsa?

She shifted in the blonde's arms. It was so weird...being held by someone. "But you deserve to know it. You need to know that I'm a monster so you can run away before it's too late."

"Cass, we talked about this before. You are not a monster."

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She inhaled deeply. "You remember when Kristoff said if I was that Cassandra?"

"Yes." She nodded, smiling as she recalled the princess' answer to the ice harvester's questions.

Elsa was patient, listening to Cassandra's every word. Wanted to be there for her, just like Cassandra was always there for her whenever she was needed. "So he said that I was captured and tortured, which is true." The thought of Cass being beaten brought sorrow to the blonde's little heart. "It happened years ago when I was travelling with a few of my soldiers. We were marching through a forest when a smaller army surrounded us. They wore black armour; I never saw anything like that in my life. We had no chance again them, and I didn't want to risk our lives. So we surrounded. They forced us into dark cells and tortured us every day. Most of us died from their wounds. With only five of us left, we managed to escape from our cells, but they were waiting for us." Her heart began to race faster at the memory, but she wasn't crying anymore. "We all found weapons, and I had my dagger with me. But it wasn't enough. Five against about twenty, we had no chance. There were too many of them; we knew that we are going to die." She gulped, the memory of metal clicking creeping into her mind. "But my people told me to escape while I can, they'll hold them back. I was so stupid; I didn't stay with them. Sometime later I collapsed next to a village. A man found me and took me to his home. He and his family treated me so well...They had a daughter, a little girl. On my better days, we played together. But then the soldiers with black armour came back and killed everyone in the village. The little girl died before my own eyes. She screamed my name, but I couldn't help. I was still so weak. Somehow I ended up in the capital. As soon as I recovered, I travelled to my aunt. She has powers, just like I do now. Healing, water magic, illusion. She's...my father's older sister — a magician. My father never wanted me to learn from her, but I needed it. I knew if I'm at least able to heal other people and my wounds, I become less weak. But my powers are not enough. The soldiers are coming back every time I stay at one place for too long."

"That's why you wanted to leave Arendelle." Cass nodded, and Elsa sighed. She doesn't want to know what would have happened if Cassandra stayed for longer. She might not know everything about her yet, but from what she allowed Elsa to see, she's not the person she thinks she is. "Ohh, Cass...You can call yourself a monster as many time as you wish. But I know you are a good person. And I'll never judge you for something that wasn't your fault."

A/N: That's it peeps, no more backstory. Get ready to meet Cass' dad.

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