A mother's touch

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A/N: Hello!

I hope you're all doing well. I have no idea what came to me, but I suddenly felt like writing and finished this chapter in one sitting. Well, I hope you'll enjoy it. Make sure to tell me what you think about it.

Also, I've been thinking about how long this short story's gonna take. Like, how many chapters. I thought I'm gonna write less, but for now, I can predict about eight more chapters coming. So yeah, it's gonna take some time. Do I mind? Fuck, no.


Countless thoughts rushed through Cassandra's mind as her uncle stared at her unknowingly. She gulped, helpless, and hesitant about what she should do. The last time she saw her mother in person was right before she died, but that was many years ago when Cass was still a little girl. Her heart still remembers the pain of losing a beloved relative, a caring mother, and the person she loved the most. It's been long, but her sorrow never faded, just like her love for her mother.

"Are you alright?" Zander questioned with concern in his voice. "You look like I've just told you that your mother died." His sentences stunned the young woman even more, but she didn't want him to suspect anything. She had already made a fool of herself in front of him a few moments ago.

Because she did, Cassandra thought, but she knew she couldn't trust him with her issues despite him being her closest relative. However, he knows her too well and can sense whenever something isn't alright. She must get away from him and find some answers, anything that can make her understand what she had done. "I have to go. We'll talk later." She hurriedly told Zander while beginning to step away from him. It seemed like her legs moved as if they had a mind of their own, pulling her towards the place that could confirm whether everything's real or trickery. The young monarch ran across the hallways and through the people roaming them. Her heart began to beat faster, and her breath came in heavy pants, but she kept going until she reached the castle entrance and slammed the door open. 

The guards gave her a strange look, unsure of her behavior, but whatever happens, it's not like they can stop her. She's a powerful royalty with great magical abilities that could release hell on Earth, and no one in the kingdom has any desire to get in her way. If her mother were alive, perhaps she could hold her back, but Zara is dead, and Cassandra is ready to prove it. 

It's been almost two decades since the murder of Queen Zara, the caring mother of the current ruler of Ovrilon. Cassandra will never forgive her father for taking her mother away from her. The pain of losing her mother is still torturing her fragile heart, and she doubts that the ache will ever go away. She was so young when it happened, a child, only ten years old at the time. Poor little Cassandra didn't even know what death meant, but it hurt like nothing else.  

And that's why she decided to come to this sacred place, where she can find both pain and peace. To her mother's grave. She remembers that tiny piece of land too well. Whenever she came back from her travels and felt alone, or perhaps her father abused or scolded her, she always found relief where her mother and nameless brother are going through their eternal slumber. 

But Zara wasn't resting. She was tossing and turning in her grave, screaming for her daughter to watch out for the murderer hiding in the castle. Cassandra could feel it in her bones every single day while her father was still alive. Even in her death, the late queen's soul worried about her daughter's safety, wishing to protect her from the evil Wulfacar who slowly took everything from the deceased woman. 

However, now Cassandra questioned if her mother is truly dead. Zander acted strangely as if Zara were still alive, and Cass wondered if the stranger she saw earlier was the late queen. But it seemed impossible. One person doesn't return from death overnight after so many years. So Cassandra left the castle and made her way towards a grand pine where her mother is buried. 

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