The past haunts

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Blood, homophobia and violance warning! And they are kinda naked at the beginning. Just sayin'


The sun blooms on the horizon, golden petals stretching ever outwards into the vibrant blue skies of Ovrilon, radiating hope, the beginning of a new day. Shining through the windows, a ray of playful sunshine pressed its lips against Cassandra's temple, waking the warrior up. Her orbs greet the dayshine, her heart flutters as she turns her attention to the woman in her arms. Beautiful and bare. She is sleeping soundly as her chest rise and fall with every breath she takes. Cassandra smiles at the sight. Pressing a tender kiss to Elsa's forehead, the Queen shifted as she inhaled a deep breath. She blinks, closes her eyes, and blink again.

The smile of Cassandra welcomes her, and suddenly Elsa's feeling butterflies in her stomach. It took her a moment to realise that they are both naked as the day they born. Her heart hammered against her chest, remembering the activities of last night. Lips tingling from the memory of Cassandra's lips against hers, she shuddered. What they did felt so strange yet natural. Like it was meant to be. Elsa never let anyone so close to her. Cassandra came in and rocked her world. It's incredible how she warmed up withing such a short time.

Speaking of warming up, Elsa couldn't help but feel the high temperature of Cassandra's body pressed against her skin. She's not the kind of person Elsa fantasised about. She dreamed of someone who would just leave her be or treat her like she's worth nothing. She never thought about receiving compliments, soft kisses, loving smiles and those strong arms wrapping around her at night, keeping her safe. Cassandra is her dashing knight with shining armour. Elsa gained enough courage to look up into Cass' sparkling eyes and blushed. "Good morning."

"Morning, beautiful." She said with her fingers gently reaching for Elsa's cheek, caressing her rosy skin. Sighing, she pulled the blonde a bit tighter to her body. "I wish we could wake up like this every morning. You know, with you by my side." Her facial expression turned into a wicked smile as she brushed a lock of platinum blonde hair behind Elsa's ear. "Preferably naked." The Queen giggled and buried her face in the crook of Cass' neck, crimson colouring her cheeks. "" She finished with a whisper.

"I'd like that too." Said Elsa against the princess' neck, her cold breath gently caressing her skin.

"Sometimes, when I have too much time to think, I wonder what it would feel like to have a home."

"What do you mean?" Elsa asked, curiosity in her smooth voice. She's living in an enormous, beautiful castle. Then why she wishes for a home?

Cass sighed and swallowed painfully. All of her violent and lonely memories suddenly darkening her heart and mind. "I've spent most of my life travelling, and I know, from the things I've told you might think I enjoy the rush." She put a gentle hand on Elsa's head, fingers lightly playing with her blonde hair. "But no, I don't think I ever did. It wasn't my choice, you know? It wasn't me who wanted to leave my country for eight years, find myself on a battlefield and leave again, just to come back and clean up my father's mess. All the studying and mastering everything I could was fun, but at the end of the day, all I could think of is home. My heart yearned for stability as I grew older."

Somewhere, Elsa could understand Cassandra's longing. They were both so alone for more than they should've been and it shows. Cass seems tough and brave. But inside, she's just as vulnerable as everyone else, or even more sensitive. Her only escape from the pain were books, they still are. Being surrounded by people, tutors, relatives and soldiers, she always felt misunderstood by the world and quite lonely. Elsa only had her parents after the accident with Anna, but she spent just as much time alone as Cass. One can still feel lonely, even if they are physically with other people. It's like being the only planet in a universe full of stars.

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