All is lost

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A/N: It's the big sad. I mean, it's short but not the happiest chapter. Prepare some tissues.

-One year and a few months before Frozen II-

Wulfacar rubbed his hands together in that classic way villains do; he wasn't about to pretend to be anything other than what he was. He enjoyed it, to him making more money, taking more power was only a game. He had people who obeyed his absurd command because of the money with some power mixed in. Believe it or not, that pretty much worked every time. They sold their morals for such low prices, and the price was falling every day.

Some people found it easy to trust Wulfacar. He had an easy-going style, but it was his personality that made him dangerous. He hid his true self like a snake. There was no indication of evil intent, no hint of self deviant motives. Wulfacar didn't care who got hurt because his passion is power.

But unlike him, there are a few other people born to be good. Cassandra is one of them. And this is what makes her Wulfacar's biggest threat.

"Are you sure about that, my king? She's your daughter!" The king of Ovrilon crossed his legs on his throne. All the men in black armour looked at him with horror, unable to believe the monarch's wish.

"So what?!" He asked, his blood already boiling. "She had multiple chances to redeem herself! We could've ruled Ovrilon together to glory! But she chose to follow her mother's footsteps, no matter how hard I tried to make her see the true power we have!" He slammed his fist against his cup on the table, spilling the luxurious red wine. Other people would kill for a bite of fresh bread, and he's sitting there, wasting the riches of his country. "Rasia failed us and paid with her life. Her job was to make sure everyone who's important to Cassandra ends up dead. You better not mess up this up."

"My king, do you wish to kill her?" One of the men asked.

"I don't care about what happens to her. She means nothing to me." Wulfacar's lips curved into an evil grin. "But it's more fun if she's alive." He pushed himself up from his seat. "Capture the monster." He walked to the entrance and before leaving, he finished his speech. The room waited for him in silence, expecting nothing but cruelty. "And torture her to death."


It was a beautiful summer day in a faraway kingdom. The birds chirped a beautiful song, and the breeze caressed the leaves on the trees. Cassandra enjoyed days like that. She wandered into the nearby forest, the shadows of the trees cooling down her heated body. She followed a small path, not knowing where to go. Maybe she shall go back to Arendelle and surprise Elsa.

The last time she visited, she used the window of the blonde's bedroom as the entrance. Elsa failed to recognise her at first and almost pushed her off to the ground. But because of the laughs afterwards, it was totally worth it. This was her life now. Since Rasia betrayed her, she travelled alone, mostly in Ovrilon, to learn more about her people and their condition. The terrible state of her homeland didn't surprise her, but that doesn't mean she never tried making her father's mistakes right. Whenever she returned to the castle, she suggested changes to the council, but they never listened to her.

The forest seemed too quiet. The silence seemed to trouble Cassandra these days, but it's still better than being lonely in a crowd of people. She treasured her alone time, but her heart yearned for her lover's presence. With the terrible ache in her chest, she ventured further.

As she wandered between the area of trees, a strange noise reached her ears. It sounded like a twig breaking just behind her, quite suspicious. She turned around to see what happened, but her grey eyes found nothing. Maybe it was just an animal.

But as she turned back, her heart seemed stopped in fear. A man grinned just a few inches in front of her. His head covered with a hood; all of his clothes are black as a pile of coal. They found her again. "Hello, princess." The man said in a creepy voice.

Cassandra wanted to say something, just anything, but no sound left her mouth. Before she could do anything, the man kicked her in the stomach, and she cried out in pain. She had no chance to fight back as another person appeared behind her, and she felt something hit her head hard, her body disobeying her she fell on the ground with a thud.

Time seemed to slow down. She looked around weakly and noticed more people around her trembling body. They were all yelling something, but her ear started ringing, and she couldn't quite understand them. Her breaths came in ragged pants as she slowly tried to get up but quickly realised how futile it was when she had to bite her lip to keep from crying out. Sharp pain lanced through her head and bright spots flashed in front of her eyes.

Only the dizziness felt worse than the pain as they hit her again, the grass burning under her palm as she couldn't control her powers anymore. Is this how it all ends, beaten like a criminal for her acts? Another strike against her head and she felt the darkness taking over, she closed her eyes, and her body went dumb. Princess Cassandra Cordelia Reeve laid on the ground unconsciously, and when she opened her eyes again, she wasn't the same person.


Bad news are quite rare in Arendelle, and maybe that's the reason why Kai struggled to tell them to the Queen. The last time he told her about someone's death, it was her own parents who died tragically. But now it's different. The news came from Ovrilon, and it shook the whole world. There are only two people who still have no idea about what happened. Elsa and Anna.

Speaking of Anna, she just passed in front of her sister's study, where Kai is standing. He waited outside the Queen's office, his thoughts racing.

"Hello, Kai! What are you doing?" The redhead saw how troubled the older man was and looked at him with worry. "Kai, what's wrong? Something happened?"

"Your majesty..." The man said, his voice cracking. He gestured for the young woman to come closer and whispered in her ear.

Anna gasped, the news hit her like a brick. "No...she can't be! Kai, we must tell Elsa! She deserves to know it!"

The study's door opened out of nowhere, revealing the Queen herself. "What do I need to know?" She asked, her voice questioning, but no one answered her. They didn't dare deliver the heartbreaking news. "Hmm?" She hummed, looking at them. "Anna, tell me what's going on!"

"Elsa..." Anna whispered her sister's name, a tear running down her freckled cheek. "Cass..." She sobbed, and her tears began to flow like a river. "Cassandra is dead."

Elsa couldn't believe her ears. Her lover, her Cassandra...She can't be dead! This must be one of Anna's pranks."'re lying! Anna, this is a bad joke!" She raised her voice, and her eyes began to water, tears running down her pale cheeks.

"Your majesty...this isn't a joke," Kai added, lowering his head.

Elsa never experienced grief this bad before. It all started when she lost her mother, father and now her hero. Not knowing how to process her grief, she rushed inside her study and slammed the door behind her. She heard Anna calling for her, but she froze the entrance.

It felt like an emptiness in her heart, a shear of nothingness that somehow takes over and holds her soul and threatens to kill her entirely. Her tears flowed as she cried, sobbing, not holding back anymore. Every memory played like a song in her head, repeating itself for what seemed like forever. She lost a big part of herself, and she couldn't get that part back. She wanted Cassandra back so bad as her life depended on it, but she was all gone, vanished in thin air. This was the price of loving a warrior, a princess hated by her people.

She held her knees tight to her chest, sobbing into her hands. She didn't move and refused to come out of the room. But something...or someone was calling for her. It began to ring in her ears, and no matter how hard she wanted it to stop, it only became louder. Is this the first sign of insanity?



A/N: Ugh, I know, I am terrible! But don't panic, I promise the grief won't last for long.

So, um, yeah. Wulfacar is the bad guy in the story.

Thanks for everyone who reached this part of the story! The end is getting closer.

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