A better past

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A/N: Henlo!

I know it's the third special chapter, but today marks the actual one-year anniversary. *pops champagne* Actually, nevermind. I don't even like champagne, but I have some hot chocolate if anyone would like some. I made it, but I swear to my gayness it's not poisonous. But now, let's be serious. This year has been a hell of a journey, even though I finished this story months ago. However, Elsa and Cassandra's story continues in my other works, so you can find out what happened to them after Cass got crowned. And we also have a student x teacher au. You can take your pick. Enough of me wasting your time. Enjoy! 


Cassandra's fingers gently tapped on the windowsill as she anticipated her mother's arrival. Her eyes stared at the snow around the castle, looking for anyone or anything familiar, but she couldn't find anything from this range. She hoped to find Hecate lurking between the trees, but now she doubts if the predator even exists. A sigh left the princess' lips, then the sound of the door opening caught her ears. She turned around and saw her mother enter the study with frustration lingering on her face. Zara must be feeling just as helpless as Cassandra, not knowing what to act or make the princess' situation better.

"Thank you for coming here. I assume you remember quite a few things if you managed to come to my study all by yourself." Zara calmly said as she walked to her desk and took a seat in the same chair that probably caused Cassandra to end up here. 

Humming, Cassandra leaned her back against the nearby wall. She appeared calm, but inside she was panicking like never before. "I can recall many things, almost my entire life. But there's one issue, a big one, to be honest. I remember things differently. For example, I do not have a brother." However, she wished to have a sibling. Perhaps this is her chance to create a bond with Anatoly, but even the thought scares her. Cassandra has no idea how to deal with teenage boys or boys in general. 

"And why wouldn't you have a brother?" Zara asked with worry in her voice. "You've just seen him a few minutes ago." Not remembering a sibling seems absurd to her, and she wants to know all the reasons and every little detail behind her daughter's strange behavior. "It's not something that people forget for no reason at all."

"That's because I didn't forget him. He simply doesn't exist." Cassandra's answer stunned her mother, and she could see that Zara found it hard to say anything. Perhaps it's better if Cass takes control of the case. "How did you survive it? What did you do to stop him?" She questioned the Queen.

"What do you mean?" 

For a moment, Cassandra didn't reply; she just sighed. So Zara doesn't know what her fate was supposed to be. It made Cass wonder how she could tell her mother that she didn't survive Wulfacar's evil plan. But she can't just say such thing. What if it hurts Zara or she doesn't believe her? And then an idea came to the young woman's mind. Her attention turned to the shelves lining up on the wall, and her eyes searched for the one that changed her fate.

Cass took a few steps closer and ran her fingers along the spines of many books. Her mother followed every single moment of the princess, and then, she spoke. "If you're looking for something, you could simply ask. Maybe I can help you since it's my study and I'm more familiar with everything here." Of course, that didn't cross Cassandra's mind, but it's not her fault. She lost her mother years ago, after all. 

"Umm..." The younger woman kept quiet, wondering if Zara will laugh at the spell she used if she actually used it. "I don't really know how to say this." She paused for a moment, searching for the right words. "But there was a spell, and I kinda read it out loud, but I don't even know what it did to me."

When Zara shook her head, Cassandra sensed her disappointment, and it made the princess worry. What if her mother isn't proud of who she became? "Cassandra, darling, you can't just read spells aloud without thinking. Do you remember its name at least?"

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