2. Hit Me Like a Truck.

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The wheels on my skateboard scraped against the concrete floor of the movie set as I made my way toward the room where the table read was commencing. The movie being filmed for the next few months is called To Light My Fire.

I slid in a few minutes early to speck out some of the cast members.

They sat around a big table with ivory name cards in front of them. Noticing that they hadn't started yet I went to the refreshments bar to get a blueberry muffin. With my skateboard tucked in my side, I made my way over to the couches that surrounded the wide table. There were other assistants whom accompanied me on the couches also.

Whilst stuffing my face, I took the time to examine the celebrities that sat before me. I was in awe when I saw an array of familiar faces.

Claire Evans was sat in front of a card the read 'Lucy'. Kiana Washington was playing 'Eve' which was the main character. I also spotted Henry Grant who was supposed to be 'James Collins'.

The only chair that was vacant was the card printed in bold font that read 'Ryder'. Even with the tiny letters under the huge printing I could clearly see the name inscribed. 

Vincent Carter Passaretti.

As if on cue, a tall man in a gray suit, which appeared expensive, strolled into the room confidently. No exaggeration but you could feel the power radiating off him as he strolled to his sit.

My throat tightened in unsteadiness when my eyes first landed on his. The green irises were dull and bricks were getting in the way of showcasing any type of emotion.

I hated him so.

Judging by his straight posture I could tell that he meant business. He probably didn't like jokes by the way his massive shoulders were in a perfect straight line and seemed like they never shook in charisma.

"Glad you decided to show up," Claire rumbled, clearly agitated.

"Now can we get started? I flew in early and I've been awake since 4 a.m.! For Christ's sake can someone get me a bloody coffee?"

It was more of a demand than a question.

The girl sitting next to me scrambled to her feet to cater to the screeching celebrity's needs. I guess she was already told who she would be assisting for the entirety of the film.

Claire Evans. 22 years old. Ex-girlfriend to Vincent. Relationship seems...hostile.

Vincent flipped through the script in front of him without uttering an apology for him tardiness.

"Hello everyone. I see that some of us may have had a better morning than others, however, I have a movie to direct and my job would be much easier if we kept the bickering to a minimum," Ray Washington, the director of the film, turned his attention toward a bickering Claire and a staid Vincent.

"Are we here to fuss at each other like children, or are we here to create a movie that people will love?" He pointed his attention toward everyone in the room now.

"Alright, Ray. I think we're all here for the same thing. To inspire the dreamers," Kiana spoke up softly as she looked over her lines as well.

Kiana Washington. 21 years old. Worked with Vincent in previous films. Relationship seems unknown for now.

"And make money," Henry chipped in as Ray sat down.

Henry Grant. 23 years old. Good friend of Vincent's. Unclear about his blood relation to Vincent. He seems like a joker.

"Anyways, we start actual filming in three days. For now, read over your lines, practice your lines, and breathe your lines. The name of your assistant was emailed to you earlier this morning, and I can see Claire already figured that out." He glanced at Claire who was adding sugar to the cup that the frantic girl gave her.

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