11. Water The Flowers.

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A/N: I want to take the time to thank everyone who has been keeping up with me and being my inspiration for what I write! I know this chapter took a while to come up but it's definitely longer than any other chapter. I hope you guys are staying well and enjoying your time with your families and/or pets! Please don't forget to comment, vote, and recommend this book to your friends! Now without further introduction, Sweet Dreams.

I took the liberty of taking Vincent home since I wasn't eager to stop him from drinking.

Nova was a bit angst about me leaving alone with him but thankfully Kiana assured her that I wasn't in any harm.

Vincent was the one in harm.

Henry had to help me get Vincent in his car since it isn't easy to carry a giant. Henry was also anxious about me driving Vincent home but I was already buckled up before he could change my mind.

I quickly had to push down my nerves at the thought of driving since I hadn't done it since I got my license...when I was 16. Five years ago.

I was able to get Vincent's address out of his groggy speech and pulled up to an overly expensive mansion in an overly expensive neighborhood. The fountain in the front of the house was lit with beautiful lights that reminded me of how mom would describe Paris.

I was able to get Vincent out the car with his arm around my shoulder, but he was putting no effort into walking.

"Mmm, coconuts," his face was buried in my fro and I was trying my best to ignore him until we got to the door.

"Vincent, do you have your keys?" I had to literally snatch his face out of my hair but he only answered with indistinguishable groans. He went right back to face planting my hair.

Letting out a frustrated huff, in one arm I held up a drunken Vincent and with the other I rapped my fist against the door to see if anyone was inside so they could get him off me. This wasn't my idea of a fun night.

Thankfully moments later a woman in a maid uniform opened the door in surprise as she saw the state that Vincent was in. Her brownie colored skin reminded me of my mom's along with the laugh lines that were stretched beside her cheeks and eyes.

Her dark hair was down in a perfect donut that resembled mom's homemade pastries.

"Who might you be?" The woman asked with curiosity.

"I'm Amari, ma'am. I work with Vincent and he was unfit to take himself home tonight," I answered while inching Vincent's grunting body toward the woman in the doorway who opened the door wider and stepped aside.

"Come. While you drop him in the living room I'll fetch you both some water. It's been a long night for all of us," she welcomed us in.

I sighed internally in agony as my plan failed to escape from this man and this house and now this maid who strangely kept reminding me of my mother. I threw my skateboard in the front garden so I could have a quick escape.

Dragging him into the warm home did nothing to ease my queasiness of being in his home. My converse squeaked against the maple flooring as I gazed around at the clean cream paint on the walls that were adorn with beautiful landscape portraits.

I noticed that he didn't have any pictures up of people or any family members.

The woman led me down a hallway that had more frames of different cities and towns but there was still no sight of humans on the walls. However, there was a huge bookshelf with many stories on it.

We finally made it to what I assumed was the living room area so I tossed him on one of the coffee colored couches in the dimly lit space. He landed face first on the many pillows that accessorized the sofa and no sound left his mouth. It was as if he was dead already.

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