10. Sorry? That's Not The Game.

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"I remember you specifically telling Kiana that you weren't coming," I slumped into the stool next to Vincent. "Something about being around drunk and high adolescents not appealing to you."

He sat his phone on the counter after finally noticing that I was talking to him. His eyes scanned up and down my frame which put a small smirk on his lightly bearded face.

That's odd. He always shaved.

I also saw that his hair had grown past his jawline.

"I actually came to see someone."


"You're wearing makeup," he pointed out.

"Yeah. It's a party ain't it?"

His hard eyes never left mine like he was trying to crack a code. The action was making my stomach fizz like soda.

"What do you do on there?" I asked bumping his shoulder with mine looking down at his phone.

"That's none of your business."

Why is he so damn closed off?

"Fine. Don't tell me. Let's play a game."

"A game?" He said the word like it was bitter on his tongue. "What, are we children?"

You're the only child I see.

"Say a number," I tucked my finger under his chin and lifted it up so his green eyes left his screen. I saw a flash of surprise in his eyes that I'd seen when I first touched him in the hospital.

Vincent huffed in annoyance realizing that I wasn't going to leave him alone.


"Both of us will go back and forth saying three facts about ourselves. We only get to ask the other person one question about the fact that they share. For your sake, we can be as vague as possible with our answers."

Maybe I can finally get something out of him.

For the first time ever I saw his shiny white teeth behind his lips that showcased a smile. It could be described as crooked and school boyish. Nothing that a monster would wear.

"You first," he bit his lip and waved for the bartender to refill his glass of bourbon.

I'll start off with something simple.

"I was sent to a detention center when I was nine."

It wasn't a lie. I accidentally pushed a girl in my class down the stairs because she was too busy talking to her friends. Now that I think of it, it was no accident.

That girl was Nova. As I've said before, we're close but in a morbid way.

My strategy was to tell him something about me that was personal so that he would tell me something of equal value.

His brows rose in astonishment as he brought his drink up to his lips.

"That's hard to believe. What could you have possibly done, princess?" His tone was unconvinced and I tried to calm myself in order to not scrutinize him for underestimating what this princess can actually do.

"Wrong place, right time," I spoke vaguely which made him shake his head in vexation since I didn't give him any other details. "Your turn."

He stared at his glass for a while before lifting his gloomy eyes which were daunting yet full of awe. I couldn't deny it, Vincent was a beautiful man.

"I have three siblings. One being a twin."

He has a twin? Not even the press knows that Vincent had siblings. We're getting somewhere.

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