16. The Moral of The Story, Babe.

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If Henry cared for him like a brother then why doesn't he stop Vincent from selling deadly drugs to desperate people.

I knew from experience how dangerous Vincent was and I've had two months to think about how I was going to deal with his 'sleeping' problem.

I had a goal to kill him, and I had to accept that if I was going to complete the plan. Since I failed at killing him the first time, I definitely needed more practice if I was going to succeed the second time.

Nova was excited to see that I wanted to double up on practices since the night at the frat and we did things that we hadn't done since we first started talking about killing Vincent.

That included going to a shooting range and refreshing our memory on kendo. If Vincent injected himself with the 'Superman' venom then it would definitely be harder to kill him. However, I had to keep the people that I'm fighting for on my mental and remember that Vincent needed to be wiped from this earth immediately. Even if a sword had to do it.

I'd been studying him and it's almost like he has two personalities. The first time I was in his house, he cooked me dinner but it was right after he threw a glass past my head. The second time I noticed was the night of the frat party, Vincent was in the middle of butchering me but then stopped. It had to have something to do with his lack of sleep.

I took Henry's advice to heart because I was going to stay out of Vincent's way...for now. He threatened Nova's life and it pissed me off.

And made chills run down my back. I tightened Henry's jacket around my body and completely forgot to give it back to him.

I knocked on Vincent's door and a few seconds later the maid from before opened the door just enough so I could see her face. I remembered her name being Linda.

"You need to get in here," she pulled my arm and I was dragged into the mansion.

She locked the door behind her and turned around for me to see the damage that was done to her uniform.

It was covered in blood and her arm was dripping from a long cut.

There had to be one explanation.

"Where the fuck is he?" I asked lowly.

Linda pointed toward a swung open door with her uncut arm.

I pulled my knife from under my skateboard and made my way to the unfamiliar door that I didn't notice the first time I was here.

I was surprised to feel Linda grab my wrist to stop me.

"He's in his sleep state."


"I know you've noticed his symptoms and you know about his condition. I've known Vince since his parents hired me to be his babysitter. Please...don't kill him," she pleaded with teary eyes.

"I'll do whatever I have to do," I continued to walk to the door and thankfully her grip on my wrist was loose.

I stood at the top of a staircase and I could hear tin being thrown at the floor and the walls.

I ran down the dark stairs but slowed when I got to the last step. The scene I saw in front of me had my blood boiling.

Claire was climbing on top of a steel cabinet filled with vials and Vincent was dragging her down by her ankle.

There was glass on the floor from the shattered cabinet and blood tinted the sharp crystals. That's probably how Linda got hurt.

"Let go!" Claire screeched as she held on tightly to the edge of the cabinet and I could see that she was losing grip.

°Sweet Dreams° (1)✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ