22. Strike A Pose.

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Her hair was much like his. Although hers was much longer and flowed like liquid onyx as she turned her head from the camera that was in front of her eye.

Her nose was straight and pointed like her brother's. Yet with all these similarities, the only aspect between the two siblings that was indistinguishable were their deep green eyes; they both told stories that I hadn't had the time to hear.

Vincent was...not bad looking. Violet was gorgeous.


Violet sat her camera on a nearby stool and strolled to Vincent in a quick pace to throw her arms around his neck in an embrace. I beamed at the childish laugh Vincent let out when she ruffled his hair after they kissed each other's cheeks.

"It's so good to see you." Violet crooned before pulling back with concern disturbing her flawless features. "Have you been getting any results?"

Everyone in that room knew what Violet was asking by the way she was leering awfully at the somewhat dark circles under Vincent's eyes.

"I didn't come here to talk about business Jelly. I just want to spend this time with you and-"



My eyes were about to pop out of my head when I saw a figure run past me to jump into Vincent's arms.

The boy ran from behind a partition and had blonde curly hair and Vincent's tan skin. Much like Violet and Vincent, the boy's eyes were the color of fresh watered grass but they only shone happiness and joy as he was spun in his father's arms.

I stood awkwardly behind Vincent before Violet came in front of me with a bright smile on her lips.

"You must be Amari. Vincent can't shut up about you," she whispered the last part behind her hand. "I'm Violet."

I accepted her hug when she leaned in and the pecks that she gave to my cheeks.

"It's so nice to finally meet you."

"Likewise. And you have incredible bone structure! You remind me so much of a singer I love." She snapped her fingers trying to regain her memory of the celebrity's name. "The name just slipped my mind. However, have you ever thought of modeling?"

"I actually have not. My mom used to model but she didn't like it as much as performing." I gazed over at Vincent who was on his knee talking to the very animated boy probably talking about his day.

"I might know her, what's her name?" Violet asked.

"Katherine Washington."

"Never heard of her."

And there it was again. Another similarity between the siblings. They both have definitely heard of my parents and are terrible at hiding it; and that's a shame for Vincent since he gets paid to act.

Saved by the bell, the studio's door was open and in came a familiar face.



She didn't have her extensions in so her dark rooted platinum hair fell just below her shoulders.

She lifted her sunglasses to the top of her head.

"I thought you started filming this week?" I asked.

"I do. My director sent me here to take pictures for the new show."

"Speaking of your director, he said that there would be two of you." Violet inquired.

"Yes, my cast mate should be arriving soon."

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