27. I Wanna Help.

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Joey's soft snores were masked by the music playing in the Ferris wheel cart. I brushed through his blonde wavy mane as he laid on my lap with his eyes closed.

Vincent's arm was strewn across the seat behind me and I didn't pass up the chance to lean into his shoulder.

"When did you know?" I was curious and still shocked that he confessed how he felt.

"When I first saw you cry. Before that day in your bedroom I thought you were this hardcore, stone cold woman who would never shed a tear. And then you cried."

I turned my head toward him and he was already staring at me.

"I didn't know how to comfort you and I was scared as hell, Amari." Vincent flipped his hat backwards. "When I looked into your eyes that day I knew I wanted to protect you, even if it was from a skateboard."

I laughed with him at the mention of my handless stead.

"So you fell in love with me because I cried and you wanted to protect me?"

"Not only that, but because you trusted me. You told me about your father which I'm glad you did.
Going to sleep last night was a stupid idea, but you helped me through it. Traveling with me was an even more idiotic idea, but you're here."

Our cart began to escalate down and the night breeze cooled my heated skin.

He was so close yet so far. I slid closer.

"I'm ready to see my dad."

Vincent's lips sat in a straight line and seemed as if he wanted to interject but held it in.

I knew that he was keeping secrets and right now would be a great time to bring them up. He had nowhere to run.


"We'll go first thing tomorrow."

He distracted me again with those eyes that carried trouble wherever they went. And those lips that could either say the worst thing or the best thing.

And right now they were saying the what I wanted to hear.

"Thank you."

The gap between us was becoming smaller until I felt his nose skim my cheek.

"Do you think this is a stupid idea?" He mumbled and I felt his hand meet my knee.

"The stupidest."

Our lips finally met. However, this was different than the first time we shared an embrace like this one.

Before it was a life or death situation without a choice. Right now it was my desire. I wanted this.

I wanted him.

If someone were to tell me that I would willingly kiss the man whom I wanted to kill I would call them crazy.

But as I sat here, leaning into Vincent's warmth and cinnamon essence, I believed that I was the crazy one.

The sound of clicks made Vincent and I release each other. I'd almost forgotten that we were in a public place and that paparazzi were like roaches: they don't die they multiply.

"I told you he was here!" Someone said.

I couldn't see anything because the flashes of the cameras blinded me.

Our cart had finally reached the ground and the attendant let us out while trying to sneak a picture of us.

From instinct, I picked up Joey from my lap and carried him while Vincent flipped his hat back around so some of his face was covered.

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