Chapter Two

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"Okay...Okay...May I got all of those things," Peter said with a huff, adjusting his grip on the brown paper bag full of groceries. He didn't want the stupid bag to rip because of just how stuffed it was. "I got the eggs too."

"I'm just making sure," May said over the phone with a small laugh. "Last time you forgot almost half the things on the list!"

"Maaay!" Peter cried, covering his face with his free hand in embarrassment. "That was one time!"

May chuckled. "You know I love you," she said. "And Peter, I really appreciate your help. I'm sorry I'm so busy all the time."

Peter sobered, the playful mood from before gone. "May," he said seriously. "I love you. We need the money and I understand. I don't mind helping you whenever I can."

"What did I do to deserve such a wonderful nephew?" she laughed. Peter grinned, the serious mood gone.

"Everything." he said. "Well I got everything, so I'm gonna head back home."

"Okay," May said. "And be careful. I don't know why, but there are cops scouring all of Queens. There might be something dangerous going on. Stay safe."

"I'm always safe," Peter said, wincing at the lie internally. "Don't worry May, I'll be careful."

"Okay, okay," she said "I have to get back to work. I larb you."

Peter chuckled. "I larb you too."

The phone clicked, signalling the end of the call and Peter sighed, looking up to the blue sky. "Cops, huh?" he said to himself. "Wonder if they might need help?"

Peter began the long walk back to his apartment, trying hard to keep the grimace off his face. For some reason his healing factor had been slower lately, and the stabbing last night didn't really help. Peter had wrapped it up and taken some ibuprofen but it only did so much.

Peter winced as he stumbled and his wound tore back open. Peter fought back a groan when he felt the blood begin to trickle out of the wound. "Shit." he muttered to himself. Hopefully he gets home before it starts to bleed through his bandages.

Peter turned the corner and felt his eyebrows raise at the sight. Aunt May hadn't been kidding. There had to be at least three cop cars just sitting on the street. He was less than a block away from home and Peter wanted nothing more than to be able to rush back but he couldn;'t be seen limping in front of a bunch of cops. It was suspicious.

So Peter forced a neutral expression and walked as normally as possible, swallowing against the pain. Peter was almost halfway down the street when a hand on his shoulder stopped him. Since his spidey-senses didn't go off, the person behind him wasn't a threat so he turned around with a friendly smile.

"Can I help you...officer?" Peter asked. The officer looked him up and down before frowning and looking at a paper on his clipboard.

"What's your name kid?" he asked.

"Um...Peter? something wrong?" he asked. The officer just looked at him wide eyes before he reached for his radio.

"This is Officer Roth," he said. "I've found Peter. I'm bringing him in."

Peter's eyes widened and he took a step back. "Wait, I think there's been a mistake!" he said. "I don't know what's going on, but I didn't do anything."

The officer's face softened. "I know kid. We just got to ask you some questions, that's all." he said. "I'm sure it's nothing."

Peter frowned, his brain quickly going over his options. He could run, but the real question is what they want to ask him. If it's just a misunderstanding then going with him calmly is the best choice. Running may make him look suspicious. Peter sighed.

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