Chapter Nineteen

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"Tones..." Steve sighed, looking at Tony with pleading eyes. "He won't stop asking. I think it will be good for him."

"What part of no do you not understand?" Tony seethed. "I am not letting that man near my son! Peter passed out the second he saw him!"

"Tony you don't know---"

"Did he tell you how he knew Peter?" Tony cut in. "He called him something. Something that made Peter react like that!"

Steve looked down. "He refuses to say anything until he sees Peter." Tony shook his head instantly.

"No. See that? That's shady." Tony said firmly. "He is not to set a single foot near my kid."

"Please, He won't let the doctors get near him." Steve said. "If he could just see Peter---"

"Who wants to see Peter?" Pepper asked, walking into the kitchen where Steve and Tony were arguing. Her face was pale and dark blue bags hung under her eyes. She was so worried about Peter, she couldn't even sleep.

"The Winter Soldier, apparently." Tony scoffed. Pepper's eyes widened.

"Why does he want to see him?" she asked.

"He said something about making sure he was okay." Steve said. "Please, Pepper, just let him see him. We'll be in the room with him---"

"Now hold on just a damn second." Tony cut in. "I already said no!"

"Will he get the help he needs and leave our family alone if he sees him?" Pepper asked. Tony turned to give his wife an incredulous look.

"Wait, what?" he asked. Steve nodded eagerly.

"He can see Peter," Pepper said. "But only if he agrees to cooperate. If he knows anything, he has to tell us. Got it?"

"Thank you, Pepper." Steve said. "I really appreciate this." he then ran off, no doubt to go and find the soldier.

"Um...what the heck Pepper?!" Tony cried, once the grandpa had left the room. "I don't want that guy near Peter! Why would you do that?"

"It will be easier in the long run if he's willing to help us." Pepper said. "He can help us find the people who hurt Peter."

Tony sighed and sagged into his wife's hold. She was right after all, as always. Tony just didn't like the idea of making Peter any worse. Tony nodded against Pepper's shoulder and began to pull away when FRIDAY surprised them with an alarm.

"What's wrong, FRI?" Tony asked.

"Peter is awake."


Peter groaned when the lights hit his eyes and he blinked a few times before the lights had been dimmed. Peter looked up to see Tony, Pepper and the rest of the Avengers standing in the room. Pepper and Tony stood by his bed, a look of concern shining on their faces.

"Peter?" Pepper said softly, her hand reaching out to hold Peter's. "Are you okay, honey? Do you know what happened?"

Peter opened his mouth to speak when he felt himself choking on his words. A pounding in his head stopped him, as the genuine fear bubbled up in the back of his throat. Why was he so afraid to speak? What was wrong with him?

Peter felt tears spring into his eyes as the heart rate monitor began to pick up speed. "Peter? Peter what is it?" Tony asked. Bruce rushed forward.

"Peter you need to calm down. Take deep breaths, okay kid?" he said. Peter nodded his head, his hands fisting the sheets as he forced himself to take deep steadying breaths.

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