Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Tony stared at Asset, his eyes wide and uncomprehending. Peter could see clear on his face the ranging emotions as he attempted to process the news. Peter swallowed, his body trembling with fear as Tony lifted his head to meet the Doctors.

"What are you saying." he demanded, his words coming out in a firm command instead of a question.

Peter wanted to run to him, to stop him from doing what he inevitably would. As much as he loved Tony (He could admit that much to himself now. Funny what almost dying does to one's inhibitions) Wolf had been his family for far longer. He came here to save his family, not watch them tear each other apart. But for some reason, his feet wouldn't move. It felt like he was glued to the floor. Beside him, Natasha was stiff, her eyes cold and emotionless as she stared down Asset.

"I think you know what I'm saying," the Doctor said, a smug smile resting on his face. It made Peter's spidey-sense spike, and he felt at the base of his skull that the Doctor believed he won.

And Peter could see it happening.

He could see the realization as it would dawn on Tony's face. He could see the way Tony would turn on them, fighting Asset to kill him---no longer set on defending the team from him. He could see the way the Doctor would slip out in the chaos, leaving with his aunt---possible even Peter---in his grasp. Never to be seen again.

He could see Tony killing Wolf.

Peter's heart froze when he watched Tony's face harden and turn to look at the struggling Asset. By now, Steve had him pinned to the ground, Clint helping hold him down. Peter and Steve locked eyes and for a second they both shared the horrific look in their eyes because they both understood each other. They both knew in that second that whatever was to follow would not end well.

"TONY NO!" Steve screamed, but by then it was too late. Tony lunged forward and Peter let out a cry, lifting his damaged arm out in hopes of stopping Tony from hurting Asset, but still stuck on the ground.

"You son of a---" Tony screamed, throwing punch after punch at the fallen soldier. Steve had finally stepped in, throwing his arms out to defend Asset who laid on the floor. "You better move, Steven." Tony hissed.

"Tones you need to calm down." Steve said firmly. "You're not thinking straight---"

"He killed my mother!!!" Tony screamed, reaching over and firing a repulsor blast at Asset. Steve grabbed Tony's arm and spun then, causing Tony to topple backwards, away from Asset.

"That wasn't Bucky! That was the Winter Soldier!" Steve cried.

"They're the same person!"

"Is Peter the same person as 2176?" Steve shot back. Peter flinched back, his eyes going wide with shock. Did Steve really just...?

Tony seemed to be just as shocked as Peter was, but it quickly changed to rage. "Don't you fucking dare!" he snarled. "Don't you dare say that to me! That is completely different and you know it!"

"Do I?" Steve snapped. "You need to back up, Tony!"

Tony snarled and threw himself forward, using the suit as a force to barrel his way past Steve. Peter watched with horror as Tony once again approached Asset.

By now, Asset had managed to break free from Clint's hold, now that Steve wasn't there to help hold him down, and he was now ready to fight. His fists were held above his face and Asset's emotionless face showed nothing. He was blank---a soldier following orders.

Peter swallowed back bile.

"Natasha I need---"

"No, Peter." she said firmly, her grip on Peter's shoulder not faltering. "This isn't your fight."

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