Chapter Twenty

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"Peter, honey, you know you can tell me anything, right?" May asks, looking at her nephew with concern. Pepper was in the other room knitting while she helped Peter with his math homework.

Peter hummed. "I know that," Peter said with a forced grin. He knew that, obviously, but he also knew that he couldn't tell May about any of this for fear of her health. He didn't want May involved because she was already so stressed out with the investigation and living without Peter had really taken its toll on her. "Don't worry May, everything is fine. I promise."

May gave him another look but nodded. "Okay, Pete." she said. "What do you want for dinner? I can make some meatloaf?"

Peter grimaced internally as he attempted to figure out if his metabolism would be able to digest so much grease at once. "That sounds great, May." he said. "Do you want some help?"

May smiled. "I would love it." she said.

Peter started to pack up his homework and carefully brought it out to the living room. Tony had opted not to come with Peter to visit his Aunt, claiming he needed to keep an eye on Bucky in the tower. Peter didn't push it, although he did think it was a little dumb seeing as Wolf wouldn't hurt any of them, but they didn't know him as well as Peter did.

"Hey sweetie." Pepper said, looking up from her knitting with a warm smile. "You having fun?"

"Yeah! May and I are going to make dinner. We're having meatloaf." Peter said. Pepper made a face and Peter tried hard not to smile. Pepper and Tony had been invited for dinner with Aunt May once and they had quickly learned their lesson after that.

"Should...should I order some chinese food?" Pepper asked, leaning forward so she could whisper it.

"Maybe wait until after the fire." Peter suggested. "It'll make her feel better."

Pepper nodded. "You have the extinguisher?"

"It's always out when May cooks." Peter said with a light laugh. "It's a rule." Pepper smiled and went back to her knitting and Peter walked back into the kitchen.

While Aunt May busied herself with finding all the ingredients, Peter pulled out the fire extinguisher and placed it on the counter. May laughed when she lifted her head and saw it. "Maybe we won't need it this time." she said. Peter just shrugged.

"I say we keep it out to be safe." he said.

"Yeah, you're probably right." May said. She hummed to herself as she started making the meatloaf, meanwhile Peter was tasked with peeling potatoes.

"So how's work going?" Peter asked as he was peeling.

"Pretty good," May said. "Linda keeps flirting with the patients and it's driving Dr. Reese insane."

"I thought those two were married?"

"They are." May chuckled. "Linda says they're having a bit of trouble and she's trying to spice things up."

"That doesn't sound like a good way to fix a relationship." Peter commented. "Doesn't jealousy make things worse?"

May let out a soft laugh. "Oh Peter," she said. "You'll understand when you're older."

Peter pouted but didn't say anything to object it. It was true, Peter hadn't really had the interest to date someone that much. To be fair, a lot had been going on in his life. Before everything, Peter had been planning on asking Mj to the prom but that was almost three months ago and a lot has changed since then.

Now that Peter had met his birth parents and was only just now beginning to sort through the drama with that particular mess only to have everything else being added onto it. He'd been outed as Spider-Man to all of his personal heroes (one of which was his father) and had gotten his memories back from when he was kidnapped as a child.

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