Chapter Ten

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When Peter came to, he was curled up in the left corner of the ceiling. He quickly dropped to the ground, grateful that no one had tried to come in. That would've been disastrous.

Speaking of disastrous....

What the hell happened last night?!

Peter couldn't remember anything. At all. He remembered the fight he head with the Starks. He remembered storming off to the guest room and locking the door behind him. He remembered falling into a fitful sleep. He remembered---

The dream.

The memory.

What the hell was that? The very first time he met Mary Parker. He wasn't found on the street at all. He was led to her. She knew that Peter wasn't who he thought he was. Mary Parker knew that Peter was Peter Stark!

Why would she hide that? Better yet, who was the man who was rescuing him? Some subconscious part of Peter knew that he was safe but try as he might he couldn't see his face. The best he got was a silhouette.

But at least now he had an idea of who this 'Wolf' was. Wolf was a common name, he heard it several times in his dream-memories. He never knew if it was a name or a literal animal. At least now he knew.

Peter groaned, leaning forward and covering his face with his hands. "What a fucking mess..." he mumbled to himself.

He stood and stretched, letting out a groan when his back popped. Peter was so stressed out his body was suffering because of it. His hands trembled whenever he thought about everything too hard.

And the fight he had yesterday did nothing to soothe his anxiety.

Now that Peter had a full night's sleep and a clear head he was so embarrassed by the way he behaved yesterday. He could not believe that he had just exploded all over them yesterday. Peter cringed just thinking about the hurtful things that came out of his mouth.

But even worse was the fact that he didn't lie.

The Starks---as great as they are---aren't his family in anything but blood. Sure they were technically his parents but they did nothing for him. And Peter knows that it's not really fair to throw that at their faces because it's not like they chose to lose him.

It's just what happened.

And as much as Peter feels guilty for not seeing them the way they want to be seen, the truth of the matter was simple: they weren't his parents.

But they could be.

Peter just needs to let them in.

The real question is can he?

Peter didn't know if he could.


The tension was unbearable.

Everyone was walking on eggshells and Tony hated it. He hated it. After Peter had stormed off to his room, Tony was left to console Pepper. Tony bit his lips just thinking about it. As much as Tony wanted to be angry with Peter for saying those things, he just couldn't bring himself to.

Sure, Peter shouldn't have yelled, but he was stressed out and going through so much. To be honest Tony was surprised he hadn't lashed out yet. He was glad to see that particular trait hadn't been passed down.

(He was wrong.)

All Tony really wanted to do was talk to Peter. Tell him that he's sorry and try to go back to the blissful domesticity of last week. But he couldn't even do that because Peter was avoiding him like the Black plague.

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