Chapter Eight

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Peter had a hand-print shaped bruise on his wrist.

It was a dark purple color, and Peter knew that if anyone saw it, there would be a lot of questions. Questions that he couldn't answer. Peter winced when he poked it in the shower this morning.

It should've healed by now.

Why was healing factor slowing down? A couple of months ago, a bruise of this degree would be all healed up in a few hours. But instead the bruise seemed to be getting worse. For lack of a better option, Peter covered the bruise with a long sleeved shirt and prayed that it wouldn't roll up.

Breakfast was an uncomfortable affair.

Peter was a little tense around Tony, and he wasn't very subtle about it. He received several side-glances throughout the meal and when he declined Tony's offer to help fix up his armor (a problem that he created) in favor of washing the dishes, everyone knew something was off.

It was a lot easier to get away with hiding injured with May because she was never home. She also trusted Peter to take care of himself and come to her when he needed help. The Starks hadn't quite reached that stage yet, so it was a little frustrating to deal with the hovering.

After Peter had washed the dishes (that was quite difficult. Peter couldn't roll up his sleeve, lest his bruise be discovered, and Natasha stubbornly refused to leave the kitchen. Needless to say, Peter had to change shirts right after) he settled into the living room to play Mario Kart with Clint.

Peter was winning four to none when Tony entered. Peter instantly tensed and Clint gave him a look. "You good, Pete?" he asked. Peter nodded quickly.

"Fine." he squeaked. Clint shrugged and continued to play, taking advantage of Peter's distraction and taking first place. "BOOM!"

"Cheater!" Peter yelled. "That was a total cheat!"

"Nuh-uh!" Clint said, sticking his tongue out at the teenager. Tony let out a laugh.

"What are you, twelve?" he asked. Clint just stuck his tongue out at Tony before moving to pick the next race. "Actually, Legolas, I need a minute to talk to Peter."

Peter tried not to let his weariness show. Had he been found out? Did Tony know about what happened last night? "What about?" Peter said, adopting a calm mask.

"Clint." Tony said pointedly. Clint nodded and set down the controller before quickly exiting the room. Peter nervously reached up to tug on his hair as Tony took Clint's place on the floor. "Okay bud, calm down. It's nothing bad."

Peter nodded. "Okay, what's up?"

"I wanted to talk to you about school." Tony said. That was...not what Peter was expecting.


Tony nodded. "It's been about a week and a half since you've been," he said. "And as much as I'd love to keep you locked up in this tower forever---"

"I'm not Rapunzel." Peter scoffed.

"---you gotta go back at some point." Tony said. Peter nodded. "When do you feel comfortable going back?"

"What do you mean?" Peter asked with a frown. Obviously he knew he hadn't been going to school, but he didn't know the reason why. To be honest, Peter had so much on his plate right now, school hadn't even crossed his mind.

"Well the school let you stay here for a little while since you're technically recovering from a shock." Tony explained. "But I got the call saying it's time to go back. Now this is totally your call, kid. Just say the word and as far as the school knows, you got Mono."

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