Chapter Twelve

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It was easier to be in the tower after that.

Peter and Tony began to work in the lab more often, and Peter would help Pepper make dinner every evening. After the talk they'd had, they all agreed that if anyone was feeling overwhelmed or stressed out, then they should say that as gently as they could before taking alone time. Later, once everyone has cooled down, they'd have a round table ("We are not calling emotionally heavy conversations 'Round Table', Tony." "Yes we are!") and try and work it out.

It had been two days since then and Peter knew he needed to talk to them. It had been nearly a week and a half now since they told him he could see Aunt May. They hadn't brought it up since and Peter was starting to get restless.

He was also reluctant to risk the fragile truce they'd come too by bringing her up.

"You okay there, Pete?" Tony asked. Peter looked up from the computer in surprise. "You stare any harder and you just might burn a hole through the screen." he joked.

"Oh. Yeah. I'm...fine." Peter said. Tony narrowed his eyes.

"You sure? Something seems to be bothering you." Tony said. He wanted to push, but he also didn't want to overstep.

"It's just..." Peter sighed and looked down, a hand coming up to tug on his hair. "I was just wondering...when I could see Aunt May."

Tony hummed. "She was released from custody about a week ago," Tony said. "She's under watch now while the investigation continues. But she's at the apartment."

"She's back?" Peter asked in surprise. He had been in Queens so often! Hell, he'd been at Ned's house nearly every day this week! He could've seen her at any time! He cursed himself for not checking the apartment.

"Yep," Tony said. "We can go see her anytime you want."

"Can we...can we go now?" Peter asked hopefully. Tony nodded. "Thank you!"

"Sure thing," Tony said. "Would it be cool if Pepper and I come too? We want to meet the woman who raised you."

Peter looked at him surprise, a single eyebrow raising. "You do?" he asked. Tony shrugged nonchalantly.

"Sure," he said. "It'll be a little hard, sure, but she's your family, Peter. We want to be too. This is like...meeting the in-laws."

Peter scrunched up his face. "This is nothing like meeting in-laws."

"Oh hush," Tony said with a laugh. "You know what I mean. We want to meet your Aunt and get to know her. She must be an incredible woman if she raised you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Peter said, whirling around as Tony started to leave the lab.

"Nothing," Tony said with a grin. "Grab your coat, Pete. Let's go."


Peter rang the doorbell nervously. What if she wasn't home? Would the Starks let him wait? Peter had left his house key at Ned's in a fit of rage, so he could run over there and grab it. Would they let him? Before Peter had the chance to think harder about it, the door opened and Peter was pulled into a tight hug.

"PETER!" May's familiar voice called. Peter sunk into her comforting embrace.

"May..." Peter said softly, hugging her back. "I missed you."

"Oh baby," May murmured, pressing kisses all over his face. "I missed you so much, I was so scared I'd never see you again." May began crying, pulling Peter back into another hug."

"I'd never let that happen," Peter promised. "No matter what, I'll always find a way." May just let out another sob and nodded before pulling back. It was then that she noticed a tense Mr. and Mrs. Stark.

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